Initially created on 19
April 2001, last update 25th October 2006)
Contents: ..Al Gore was in Amsterdam
....................US Citizens can Mandate Al Gore for
....................Associated Press article: Gore Slams Bush's
Environmental Politics
....................Campain for a Climate
Change: Thank You
World Leaders!
....................Selected quotes from the foreword of Al Gore's
book: Earth
in the Balance
October 2006
Al Gore was in Amsterdam
For the occasion of the Global Reporting Initiative launch, Al Gore was in Amsterdam. See http://www.grig3.org
On Friday 6th Oct '06, his talk was scheduled. Later that evening he attended the Dutch filmpremière of 'An Inconvenient Truth'. We were there in the picturesque Tuschinski theatre, and saw him live at the stage. It was very special to experience him personally, addressing the audience, and then see him in the movie on the screen in a gigantic format...We prepared some material on StarrPort for him. We hold an agency for Jim Starry, an American flight engineer who developed an environmentally-friendly(-ier) airport which saves one million gallons of fuel per average airport PER DAY. See http://recyclus.com and http://starrportcorp.com
21 August 2002 US citizens: Mandate Al Gore for Johannesburg
Similar to the proposal below, US citizens can mandate Al Gore to represent them at the UN World Summit on Sustainable Development (August 26 - September 2 2002). Al Gore was present at the first Rio Summit in 1992 as well, and although he was not able to completely bypass the powerful lobbies while he was in the White House, he did give proof of his engagement for a sustainable environment on various occasions. The irony is that while according to an overwhelming evidence he is the real President of the USA, he nevertheless has now a chance to re-present the voice of the US people and the US environmental groups.Act now! The Climandate proposal was featured at: http://www.ipetitions.com under the topic Environment.
We plan to revive it. Stay tuned.
(This webpage was in the beginning phase for specially invited addressees only. For the occasion of the Climate Conference - known as the Kyoto Treaty -, it became accessible publicly.)Until the concept is further finalized and supported, and more of the mentioned organizations
and individuals express their support and accept to play a role, it will not be heavily promoted.
E-mails were sent to Al Gore via a few contact persons.
No official reactions yet.All help is appreciated, please send suggestions or (ways to) support to this e-mail
22 April 2002 Gore slams Bush's environmental policies
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) &emdash; Al Gore used Earth Day to unleash his harshest criticism of President Bush since losing the White House to him, saying the administration's environmental policies serve "special interests instead of public interests.""America is only as healthy as the air our children breathe, the water they drink and the earth they will inherit," Gore told about 200 Vanderbilt University students and environmental activists Monday.
"But instead of embracing the bipartisan national consensus to improve our environment, the Bush administration has chosen to serve the special interests instead of the public interests and to subsidize the obsolete, failed approaches of the past instead of the exciting new solutions of the future."
The speech countered one given earlier in the day by Bush, who briefly hiked the snowy Adirondack Mountains in New York before calling for mandatory limits on the power plant emissions that cause the acid rain that plagues the picturesque region.
The 1990 Clean Air Act amendments were a start, "now we should do more," Bush said.
Gore said Bush's "clear skies" initiative would ultimately allow more emissions than permitted under current law.
"Instead of working to reduce air pollution, the Bush administration's so-called 'clean skies' initiative actually allows more toxic mercury, nitrogen oxide and sulfur pollution than if we enforce the laws on the books today."
Gore, who was joined on stage by his wife, Tipper, also criticized the Bush administration for favoring increased domestic oil production over conservation.
"We need to reduce our dependence on foreign oil so that America can not be held hostage to global chaos and tinhorn tyrants like Saddam Hussein," Gore said. "But what's their solution? Drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge."
Gore, who has not said whether he will challenge Bush again in 2004, has spent much of his time in Tennessee, teaching at two Nashville area colleges and campaigning on behalf of Democratic candidates.
He wrote the environmental book Earth in the Balance (see below) while vice president of the USA under Bill Clinton.
Copyright 2002 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
top (addition, excerpt) Thu Feb 14 2002
story.news.yahoo.com/news/20020215/us_bush_global_warming_15Bush offers global warming treaty as alternative to Kyoto accord
By KEN GUGGENHEIM, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON - Offering an alternative to the global warming agreement he rejected last year, U.S. President George W. Bush proposed a plan Thursday that he said would encourage businesses to cut pollution and develop more energy-efficient technology.
The proposal was immediately criticized by Democrats and environmental groups, who said it would do little to reduce the greenhouse gases believed to cause global warming.
. . .
But environmental groups were skeptical, particularly because Bush's proposals rely on voluntary efforts. They said his proposal to cut the greenhouse gas "intensity" by 18 percent over 10 years would actually mean that more greenhouses gases will be emitted then than now. "The administration may be able to fool the American people that they're doing something, but they can't fool the atmosphere," said Dan Becker, a spokesman for the Sierra Club.Among the critics of the plan was Bush's 2000 campaign opponent, former U.S. Vice President Al Gore, who's been sounding the alarm on global warming for more than a decade. "The United States can and should lead the world to a clean technology future," he said in a statement. "Unfortunately this plan abdicates the responsibility instead of accepting it."
for a Climate Change (Kyoto agreements met)
Thank you, world leaders!As you certainly are aware, George W. Bush, the present President of the United States of America was not willing to support the necessary steps to carry out the earlier negociated Climate Conference agreement (known as Kyoto Protocol). 178 nations agreed yesterday 23rd July 2001 in a historic meeting chaired by the head Mr Jan Pronk to reduce carbon gas emmissions, minimally though, but at least they agreed. See comment from the BBC News here:
By BBC News Online's environment correspondent Alex Kirby in Bonn
http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_1452000/1452315.stmIn an historic deal, 178 countries have agreed how to tackle climate change.
The compromise reached after a day and a night of intensive talks in Bonn means the Kyoto Protocol, the global climate treaty, can soon enter into force. European Union Environment Commissioner, Margot Wallstrom, said: "I think we can now go home and look our children in the eye".The conference president, Dutch Environment Minister Jan Pronk, received several standing ovations during the emotional final session. The last hurdle had been Japan's objection to the wording of some clauses designed to ensure that countries comply with the protocol. But that was modified, and Japan's reservations melted away.
Watered down
The deal the delegates struck was to accept a draft proposal put forward by Mr Pronk late on Saturday. It waters down considerably the provisions of the protocol as originally agreed four years ago. Kyoto required industrialised countries to cut their emissions of six gases believed to be exacerbating global warming by an average of 5.2% below their 1990 levels over the next 11 years.
It is essential that the USA, the by far greatest polluting nation of all, will severely reduce for instance their carbon gas emissions. This might turn out to become a matter of life and death sooner or later, in concordance with a need for a sustainable future for all.By giving extensive thoughts on possible solutions, a unique opportunity came up.
Former vice-president Al Gore could develop as an expert in the field of more balanced lifestyles. For many years, he was heavily advocating sustainable future movements. Visible proofs of his engagement are his ardent support of new developments in transportation, e.g. the Rocky Mountain Institute energy-efficient Hypercar initiative.
Another proof is his book written in 1992(?): 'Earth in the Balance'. (excerpt of foreword below)This is a call to put his extensive knowledge in the service of the planet again.
Deliberately, we call all concerned US citizens, to give Al Gore a people's mandate.
In this way, he will not be forced to represent mainly the interests of the industry or the multi-national corporations, but to speak and negociate on behalf of the American people in particular.
Consider another point, before you express your support.The rest of the world - even Japan, Australia and Canada - have agreed to (strive to) fulfill the targets of the Climate treaty. Many sacrifices will be needed to measure up. The world is expecting the USA to do the same. If the USA goes on onesided with irresponsible industrial growth, the USA will have an unfair advantage. The call for boycotting US products already has been voiced to correct this situation. Returning to the negociation table will therefore even benefit the USA.
By choosing a new direction which takes the future of our children's children in account, other opportunities will show up. Yes, it will be an important decision, but durable energy sources have been developed, or are ready (to be put to tests). An important point is to not fall back into the past with megalomanic technical solutions, but go for decentralized small-scale solutions, along with more efficient use in consuming energy.
And it is time to definitely bury the worst nightmare of the last century - nuclear energy certainly did not turn out to be a desirable solution. - Dreamers, get real!
(Exact text of the petition / mandate needs to be worked out. Please help. Until sufficient financial backup of this initiative is secured, all your contributions in time and energy could be honoured in time-dollars, UNILETS, Friendly Favors, or similar. See section on new economics.)
Actions for a
Climate Change, why are they essential?
Links for more background information:
http://www.unfccc.int (official website of the Climate Change Conferences)
http://www.antenna.nl/wise/cop6 (report on Climate Conference in The Hague, November 2000)
http://www.panda.org/climate (World Wildlife Fund)
Some groups that were asked to set up a structure for the mandate:World Citizen Foundation, (how to organize and establish World Democracy)
Website: http://www.worldcitizen.org
The Climandate was featured at the website: http://www.ipetitions.com
(Thanks to Troy Davis of Worldcitizen for suggestion and connection.)
No reaction yet from the following organizations:
International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives
Website: http://www.iclei.org
546 local governments in 27 countries are collectively reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 70 million tons a year, with Climate initiatives http://www.iclei.org/us/us_ccp.html
League of Conservation Voters): A National Partnership for the Environment
Website: http://www.lcv.org/
Website: http://www.earthfuture.com (excellent and practical website, under the head 'Stormy Weather' they promote a new publication '101 Solutions to Global Climate Change'
Another 2000 Presidential candidate could help in developing visions and action plans:
Dr John Hagelin, Ph.D. http://www.hagelin.org/
small button proposed for this campaign:![]()
Provisional contact: PLANETWORK
address: P.O. Box 63123, NL-1005 LC Amsterdam,
tel. / fax; +3120 - 6839606 (also answering machine)
e-mail: planetwork@tip.nl
web: http://www.planetwork.org
Appendix found at: http://www.uneco.org/Earth_in_the_Balance.html
EARTH IN THE BALANCE: Ecology and the Human Spirit, by Al Gore
A passionate defender of the environment, former Vice President of the United States Al Gore demonstrates how modern civilization has brought us to the brink of catastrophe.
In this compelling work he shows that only a radical rethinking of our relationship with nature can save the earth for future generations. Here is an author who will not soften the warning for political expediency. His honesty reveals a true statesman and his analysis makes him a remarkable mind in our times of half measures and sophistry. This bestselling work about our planet's environmental crisis gives a shocking account of just how serious ecological problems have become. New foreword bythe author. Illustrations and photos can be found in the paperback edition of this title.
Selected quotes from updated Foreword:
To warn of the dangers is not to despair of the solutions. Most of all, this book is a call to action and hope. Whether our purpose is to preserve the simple pleasure of fishing in a mountain stream on an autumn morning or the simple security of knowing that our children's drinking water is safe - to save an endangered species, an endangered wilderness, or an endangered earth - we have it in our power to restore the earth's balance before the growing imbalance inflicts its greatest potential damage on our children and grandchildren. Today the human species is the only one with the self-knowledge and the capacity to protect its own future.
Our next step is to seek meaningful participation from developing nations and submit the Kyoto agreement to the Senate for ratification. I will stay and fight on this issue until we finally overcome the special-interest opposition, abroad and at home, that threatens to extend and worsen global warming.
Now the innovative must become the usual; we must continually act before crisis hits, before a species is on the edge of extinction, to safeguard habitats that are essential not just for one or two creatures but for the whole life web of the ecosystem.
Our public lands are a public trust, not a resource to be wasted or exhausted. We cannot fight to save the rain forests halfway across the world if we are clear-cutting forests here at home. That's why we took the historic decision to protect the remaining roadless areas in our national forests - 40 million acres, the precious last reserves that have been largely spared aggressive exploitation.
The headwaters of our rivers and streams, the sources of our drinking water, are largely in our public lands. Our stewardship must respect all these uses and not let our federal lands be misused, as they often were in the past, as the exclusive domain of corporations intent on extracting resources.
Empowering women is a fundamental precondition of progress.
One of our greatest hopes is young people, those who will inherit the earth and the challenge of restoring its balance - the ones who will live long enough to know surely whether this peaceful battle for the planet is finally being won.
Our challenge now, which requires the education of us all and the raising of our collective awareness on a global basis, is to restore and save the earth even as we add still more members to the human family. This will not be easy or simple; there will be setbacks, and fierce resistance from those who profit from pollution.
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