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International Millennium Events

taken from the excellent website





Abolition 2000



All One Tribe Drum


The Race

All the World Sing Praise

Living Universe

Referendum on the 21st Century


Long Now Foundation

Religious Working Group: World Bank, IMF

Beacon Millennium

LightShift 2000

Ribbon International

Blue Sky Wisdom Project


Rotary International

Business 2010

M2 India Social Infrastructure Development



Madagascar 2000

Seventy-Two Hours of Peace

Center for Millennial Studies

Megacities 2000

Sister Cities International

Children's Peace Pavillion

Millenarium Millennium Art Proposal

State of the World Forum

Children's UN/World Summit of Children

Millennium Bell Proposal


Civitas International

Millennium Children's Conference

Teamwork 2000

Commitment 2000

Millennium Day Broadcast by WGBH

Twenty-First Century Project

Count Up 2000

Millennium Digital Be-In

Twenty-Second Century Group


Millennium Day Broadcast by WGBH


Drumming in the Year 2000

Millennium Itn'l. Children's Conference



Millennium of Peace 2000

UN Millennium Assembly

Earth Charter Millennium Campaign

Millennium Peace Run

UN Youth Assembly Project

Earth Citizens Assembly : Millennium Earth

Millennium People's Assembly Network

United Nations University Millennium Project

Earth Day 2000

Millennium Prayer Vigil

Unity Millennium

Everything 2000 Millennium Events

Millennium Project

Universal Millennium Symbol


The Millennium Project24


First Night International

Millennium Society

Visions for the Millennium: A World Congress

Foundation for Global Community

Millennium Television Network


Foundation for the Future: Humanity 3000

Millennium 2000: Walking the Ways of Peace

Women of the World Leadership Training

Foundation for the Future of Youth

Millennium Weave

World Economic Forum: Europe 2000

Fund for Global Awakening

Millennium Young People's Congress

World March of Women in the Year 2000



World Mathematical Year

Global Citizenship 2000


World Network of Religious Futurists

Global March for Jesus


World Peace Prayer Society

Global Millennium Project

Odyssey 2000

World Peace Through Reverence for Life

Global Peace Initiative

One Day in Peace

World Resources Institute

Global Youth Service Day 2000

Operation Day's Work

World Scout Events

Great Millennium Peace Ride

Orion Society Millennium Conference

World Summit of Children General Assembly



World Wildlife Fund

Heartbeat 2000 Project

Parliament of the World's Religions



Peace 2000 Caravan


Indigenous 2000/Indigenas 2000

Peace Child Charitable Trust

Year 2000: Demilitarization for Democracy

Int'l. Children's Games Millennium Festival

Peaceday 2000/2001/2002

Youth for Environmental Sanity

International Peace City 2000

Peace in Prison 2000



Pole to Pole 2000

Journey of the Magi

Projects 2000

Jubilaeum 2000

Project Global 2000

Jubilee 2000


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Abolition 2000

In the summer of 1999, a coalition of 1300 peace groups, ABOLITION 2000, issued a Call for the New Millennium. Just after the Hague Appeal for Peace assembly in May, 1999, which attracted at least eight thousand people, ABOLITION 2000's new global council decided to call for "Global Abolition Days" 1-8 March 2000 as an international week of action, education, and lobbying for nuclear disarmament and also as a means to establish a strong citizen presence at the Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference at the United Nations. At a separate smaller conference organized in May, 1999, by the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, General George Lee Butler, retired USAF, announced the formation of a new but related organization, SECOND CHANCE, to pressure the U.S. military and Congress to eliminate all nuclear weapons.

For more information, contact:

Abolition 2000
c/o The Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
1187 Coast Village Road, Suite 123
Santa Barbara, California 93108
tel: +1 805 965-3443
fax: +1 805 568-0466
or Web site:

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All One Tribe Drum
Unison drumming around the world on New Year's Eve 2000 will take place in many countries as a sign of human beings on the path to unity and as a demonstration of the healing effects of drumming. The event honors the "International Decade of the World's Indigenous Peoples," declared by the United Nations as 1994-2004. The drumming, however, will not be coordinated from a single center, although the All One Tribe Drums Foundation encourages people everywhere to take part. For a list of drummings being organized in various localities, see "Foundation News" on the website.
For more information, contact:
Feeny Lipscomb, Director
All One Tribe Drums Foundation
PO Drawer N
Taos NM 87571
tel + 800-442-3786, or +505-751-0019
fax +505-751-0509

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All the World Sing Praise
January 1, 2000
This is a project of the Catholic Youth Ministry Faith Alive in the UK who are members of the Association of Coordinators of Catholic Schools of Evangelisation (ACCSE/2000), a branch of Evangelisation 2000. Its purpose is to create an ecumenical worldwide songs-of- praise event in every capital city of the world for the first day of the next Millennium. The initiative was "kicked-off" in the Coventry Memorial Park on June 30 1996, the day of the Euro 96 Football Competition using a football specially signed by the England Team and another one signed by the winning German Team. Music was supplied by the talented London Community Gospel Choir, the Revelation Rock band (who played a selection for the children who attended from Coventry's schools) with older famous football hymns supplied by the Coventry Festival Brass Band.
For more information, contact:
Faith Alive
110 Potters Green Road
Coventry CV2 2AN
United Kingdom
Tel/fax +44-1203-613-847

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Beacon Millennium
Also known as BEACON 2000, this was to be the third of three steps in a billion-dollar fundraising project by the Beacon Millennium International Trust on behalf of charities worldwide. First would come The Great Walk, 1 January 1999, where all individuals would walk two kilometers and donate moneys to local charities. Second would come The Glorious Fiesta, 15 August 1999, a festival with proceeds also going to local charities. Third would come Beacon Millennium, in which the year 2000 would be heralded by the successive lighting of beacons across the world on 31 December 1999, starting at the International Date Line and moving westward through New Zealand, Australia, its final destination, Honolulu--with fundraising for national charities and for children and the environment all along the way. What remains is the last, organized through the UK, and there associated also with MILLENNIUM PEACE RUN (see below).
For more information, contact:
George Rock, Chairman
Tel +44-1725-518-810
fax +44-1725-518-807

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Blue Sky Wisom Project
Drawing upon the experiences and perspectives of educators of many cultures, the BLUE SKY WISDOM PROJECT hopes to foster a global Wisdom Network that will be officially kicked off by a World Wisdom Gathering in Hawaii in early 2001. Before that, a Community Wisdom event will take place on Salt Spring Island, BC, Canada, in May, 2000. On 3 August 1999, project members will have their third annual meeting, with an emphasis on "Community Wisdom," in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Society for Values in Higher Education in Hampton, Virginia. The Wisdom Network is to be worldwide alliance of individuals and organizations working to create a wiser world. Out of respect for Creator and Creation, it does this through: identifying and exchanging wise practices electronically and face to face; developing collaborative partnerships across boundaries--cultural, generational, gender-based, religious, etc.; regarding the arts and sciences as well as humanistic and spiritual traditions as wisdom resources; encouraging playfulness, spontaneity, creativity, and intuition as wisdom ways; recognizing compassion as a necessary partner to wisdom;creating a virtual workspace where those interested in furthering wisdom can collaborate; writing, translating, and disseminating wisdom resource and training materials; and fostering activities that lead to personal, social and global transformation.
For more information, contact:
Reynold Feldman, President
Blue Sky Associates
46-259 Kalali Street
Kaneohe, HI 96744-4128
Tel +808-234-1242
fax -8080-236-0516

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Business 2010
Business 2010 an initiative of the State of the World Forum, is dedicated to finding ways to bring business into alignment with a more sustainable future.
For more information, contact:
Dan Cohen
760 Market St, #526
San Francisco CA 94102
tel + 415-392-2884

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Carter Cemter Global 2000 Program
Among the projects of the Carter Center's GLOBAL 2000 PROGRAM are projects devoted to agriculture and health. The Global 2000 Agriculture Program works to end hunger in developing countries by teaching farmers to be self-reliant through the use of modern agricultural technologies. Global 2000 collaborates with the Nippon Foundation in the sub-Saharan countries of Ghana, Sudan, Zambia, Tanzania, Benin, Togo, Nigeria, Ethiopia, and Mozambique. Through this joint effort, known as Sasakawa-Global 2000 (SG 2000), localagricultural extension agents work side-by-side with farmers, teaching them how to use high yielding seeds, fertilizers, and improved farming methods to grow more corn, wheat, and other grains; how to successfully store their harvest; and how to develop viable commercial markets for their grain. As a result of these efforts, more than 200,000 African farm families have learned new farming techniques that can double or triple their grain production. Another project is the Guinea Worm Eradication Program. Since 1986, The Carter Center's Global 2000 Program has helped lead a worldwide coalition to eradicate Guinea worm disease (dracunculiasis) from India, Pakistan, Yemen, and 16 African countries. By late 1995, Global 2000 and its partners had helped national eradication programs in endemic countries reduce the annual incidence of Guinea worm disease by 97 percent. Guinea worm soon will be only the second disease in human history to be eradicated (the first was smallpox in 1977).
For more information, contact:
Andy Agle, Director of Operations
Global 2000 Program
Carter Center
453 Freedom Parkway
Atlanta GA 30307
tel + 1-404-331-3900

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Center for Millennial Studies
Dedicated to gathering and archiving responses to the end of the second Christian millennium and to other previous "End" events or calendrical moments, the CENTER FOR MILLENNIAL STUDIES promotes the study and analysis of apocalyptic and millenarian movements and their aftermaths. Through newsletters, essays, scholarly papers, conferences, and educational programs, it offers these studies and analyses to the public and serves as a clearinghouse for information about, and the socio-historical contexts of--apocalyptic thought and action. It has also recently become engaged in helping local and governmental agencies appreciate the context and repercussions of apocalyptic fears, especially with regard to the Y2K computer bug and its nexus of Information Technology, cultural anxieties, and societal anticipations.
For more information, contact:
Prof. Richard Landes
Center for Millennial Studies
Boston University
704 Commonwealth Ave, Suite 205
Boston MA 02215
Tel +617-358-0226
fax +617-358-0225
email: or

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Children's Peace Pavillion
A field-trip center for children, with particular attention to issues of self-esteem, conflict resolution, cultural appreciation, and earth stewardship, the recently-established Peace Pavillion entertains some 1200 children a month.
For more information, contact:
Lisa Prosser-Dodds
1001 W. Walnut
Independence MO 64051
Tel +816-521-3033
fax +816-521-3092

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Children's United Nations/World Summit of Children

With the ambition of bringing together children of the world to discuss the threats and dangers of tomorrow's problems, this assembly takes place in January 2000 at UN Headquarters in New York. Prior to this, however, the 1999 World Summit of Children Project met in San Francisco on 18-25 July to create a charter for the Young General Assembly, an international body of young people working to strengthen the United Nations and serve as a voice for young people in international affairs.
For more information, contact:
Ellen Brorgen
Tel/Fax +1-650-40-8940
Brenda Gauthier

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Civitas International

On 18-21 June 1999, the City of Palermo (Italy), the Italian Ministry of Education, and Civitas International held a Civitas Palermo World Congress to launch an international campaign for education for democracy and a culture of lawfulness. The Congress was attended by First Lady of the US, Hillary Rodham Clinton; the President designate of the European Commission, Romano Prodi; the Nobel Prize winner for Literature, Wole Soyinka; the Mayor of Palermo, Leoluca Orlando; the Italian Minister of Public Education Luigi Berlinger, and hundreds of other educators and civic leaders from around the world. An international consortium for civic education, Civitas aims to strengthen effective education for informed and responsible citizenship in new and established democracies around the world. The Civitas consortium is composed of individuals, non-governmental associations and governmental institutions from many countries as well as international organizations. Civitas was inaugurated at an international conference of civic educators held in Prague in June 1995. More than 450 civic educators from 52 countries met at to discuss the importance of civic culture to the successful development and maintenance of democratic governance. They explored the central role of civic educators in cultivating a democratic culture and pledged to continue their joint efforts to raise the visibility of civic education on the international agenda and leverage their resources through cooperative efforts.
For more information, contact:
CIVITAS Palermo Press Office
Andrea Sorosati
tel +39-348-420-6040
fax +39-091-688-6134

World Congress Secretariat
tel +202-393-4275

US Information Agency
Catherine StearnsPublic Affairs Specialist
tel + 202-401-1190
fax + 202-619-6988

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Commitment 2000
In 1998 twenty-six Nobel Peace Prize Laureates signed an Appeal which led to the UN declaration of the Year 2000 as an International Year for the Culture of Peace and 2001 through 2010 as the decade for the Culture of Peace and Nonviolence for the Children of the World. Now they are seeking the pledges of one hundred million people to be committed in the year 2000 and thereafter to the principles outlined in their appeal and those inscribed in the relevant UN Declarations.

Here is the text of their appeal:
"For the Children of the World Today, in every single country throughout the world, there are many children silently suffering the effects and consequences of violence.This violence takes many different forms: between children on streets, at school, in family life and in the community. There is physical violence, psychological violence, socio-economic violence, environmental violence and political violence. Many children-too many children-live in a "culture of violence". We wish to contribute to reduce their suffering. We believe that each child can discover, by himself, that violence is not inevitable. We can offer hope, not only to the children of the world, but to all of humanity, by beginning to create, and build, a new Culture of Nonviolence. For this reason, we address this solemn appeal to all Heads of States, of all member countries of the General Assembly of the United nations, for the UN General Assembly to declare:That the first decade of the new millennium, the years 2001-2010, be declared the "Decade for a Culture of Nonviolence";That at the start of the decade the year 2000 be declared the "Year of Education for Nonviolence";That nonviolence be taught at every level in our societies during this decade, to make the children of the world aware of the real, practical meaning and benefits of nonviolence in their daily lives, in order to reduce the violence, and consequent suffering, perpetrated against them and humanity in general. Together, we can build a new culture of nonviolence for humankind which will give hope to all humanity, and in particular, to the children of our world.

With deepest respect,The Nobel Peace Prize Laureates

Signed by : Mairead Maguire Corrigan, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Aung San Suu Kyi, The 14th Dalaï Lama (Tenzin Gyatso), Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, Shimon Peres, Elie Wiesel, Mgr. Desmond Mpilo Tutu, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Yasser Arafat, Mgr. Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo, José Ramos-Horta, Norman Borlaug, Oscar Arias Sánchez, UNICEF, Frederik Willem de Klerk, Betty Williams, Lech Walesa, Joseph Rotblat, Henry Kissinger, Jody Williams, John Hume, David Trimble, Rigoberta Menchu Tum and the American Friends Society.
For more information, contact:


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Count Up 2000
January 1999-July 2001
This is a web effort to link groups that have a positive focus on the millennium.
For more information, contact:
See ONE DAY IN PEACE January 1, 2000
Robert Alan Silverstein
P.O. Box 570
Roosevelt, NJ 08555-0570
fax: 609-443-4307

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Drumming in the Year 2000: A Global Event
People around the world will drum in unison for the final hours of 1999.

For more information, contact:
All One Tribe Foundation
P.O. Drawer N
Taos, New Mexico 87571, USA
tel: 1-800-442-DRUM

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Earth Charter Millennium Campaign
The EARTH COUNCIL is sponsoring an EARTH CHARTER, "a people's agreement on a statement of ethical principles to guide the conduct of people and nations toward each other and the Earth to ensure a sustainable future." Newletters, discussions, forums, and papers have contributed to (and appear on the website of) the EARTH CHARTER, which is currently in Benchmark Draft Q8A.The MILLENNIUM CAMPAIGN seeks to catalyze changes in values, behavior, and attitudes of civil society, private economic society, and government, and to do so in part by organizing a People's Earth Charter Millennium Assembly 2000, from which will come a final version of the EARTH CHARTER to be presented to the People's Millennium Assembly at the United Nations in New York during the late summer of 2000. That final version of the charter will also be presented for adoption at the Rio + 10 Conference in 2002.
For more information, contact:
Earth Council
Apdo 2323-1002
San José, Costa Rica
tel +506-256-1611,
fax +506-256-255-2197
website: or
In the USA:
Tom Rogers and Rick Clugston
Center for Respect of Life and Environment
2100 L St. NW
Washington DC 20037
tel +1-202-778-6133,
fax +1-202-778-6138

Prof. Steven Rockefeller
Committee to Support the Earth Charter

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Earth Citizens Assembly

THE ALLIANCE FOR A RESPONSIBLE AND UNITED WORLD, prompted and connected by the FOUNDATION FOR THE PROGRESS OF HUMANKIND, has been considering various proposals for an EARTH CITIZENS ASSEMBLY, starting in 1994 with thee idea of a World States-General as presented in the Platform for a Responsible and United World. At this point, the Assembly would not be a specific event, but rather a process taking place over a period of two and a half years, from January 1999 to July 2001, seeking to demonstrate the collective ability of the citizens of the entire world to take charge of their common problems in all their complexity while respecting their differences. The Assembly will question the institutions holding political, economic and social power and propose concrete strategies for action in the coming century. In organizing the Assembly, the Alliance for a Responsible and United World, far from competing with similar initiatives by others, is striving, on the contrary, to develop partnerships with them and highlight their importance. The first phase, from January 1999 to December 2000, will be devoted to gradually developing proposals based on three types of meetings: *regional*, *collegial* (bringing together people in the same social context or members of the same profession) or *topical* (concerning a specific issue). The second phase, from January 2000 to March 2001, will involve converging marches, marked by festive or symbolic stages or *memory stations* that will serve as vectors for dialogue, discussion, and the dissemination of proposals. The third phase, from March 2001 to June 2001, will be the assembly phase. As opportunities to question those in power and to develop our proposals in greater depth, these assemblies will mark both the ultimate conclusion of the marches and the preparation for the world meeting.The last phase, in June-July 2001, will combine a world meeting of 300-600 people in a non-Western country (e.g. India) with 7-10 regional meetings of about 200 people, and local meetings, the number of which will depend on the allies' initiatives. All will be linked to each other by Internet, thereby forming a single discussion. The meetings will bring together *messengers* who report the conclusions of the previous phases and reflect the diversity of places, contexts and challenges of the next century. Two documents will be conceived, discussed and approved in the course of this process: (1) An Earth Charter, which will supplement the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and formulate the common values upon which the Earth Citizens have agreed for managing the planet (See just above); (2) Strategies for entering the next century, proposing changes to be undertaken over the coming decades in four main areas: values, cultures, art, science and education; economics and society; governance andcitizenship; relations between humankind and the biosphere.
For more information, contact:
Pierre Calame, director
Gustavo Marin, vice-president
Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer pour le progrès de l=homme
38, rue Saint-Sabin
F-75011 Paris, France
tel + 33-1-43-14-75-75,
fax +33-1-43-14-75-79

Longeraie 9Ch-1006 Lausanne
tel + 41-21-342-50-10,
fax -11

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Earth Council Toward A Millenium Earth Initiative
In 1997, the Earth Council organized a Rio+5 Consultation, a series of discussions, papers, and conferences Ain the spirit of the Earth Summit and in preparation for the next millennium. Currently it is undertaking a MILLENNIUM EARTH INITIATIVE focusing on democratization at the local and national levels as the basis for global sustainability.
For more information, contact:
Earth Council
Apartado 2323-1002
San José, Costa Rica
tel +506-256-1611,
fax -506-255-2197

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Earth Day 2000
The wave of public pressure for change that began on the first Earth Day, 22 April 1970, crested in the passage of the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and Endangered Species Act in the United States and the creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Earth Day 1990 went global, and the public outpouring of support from 200,000,000 people in 141 countries pressured heads of state to participate personally in the United Nations Eareth Summit in Rio De Janeiro and persuaded countries elsewhere to create environmental agencies. For 2000, the Earth Day Network is launching a multi-year campaign aimed at the major environmental issues facing the planet. The Network will use cutting-edge information technology and traditional grassroots organizing to enlist half a billion people worldwide in a movement to embrace the opportunies offered by the new millennium. Already, 1300 groups in 140 countries, along with 33 Strategic Partners, have signed on to the Earth Day 2000 Worldwide Campaign. Under the theme, "New Energy for a New Era," participants will demand a swift transition from fossil fuels and nuclear power to a system based on the efficient use of clean, renewable energy.
For more information, contact:
Denis Hayes, Chair
Earth Day Network
Mark Dubois
International Coordinator
Earth Day 2000
91 Marion St.Seattle WA 98104 USA
tel + 206-652-2381
fax + 206-682-9937

for events in the following countries, see
Earth Day Canada:

Earth Day Japan:

Earth Day Taiwan:

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Everything 2000 Millennium Events

John Locher and his staff intend to "provide a comprehensive resource that helps the world prepare for 2000 and beyond."
For more information, contact:
John Locher
Milestone Media
Seattle WA
tel +206-621-0999

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First Night International
A non-profit association in more than 150 cities in the United States, Canada, England, and New Zealand, FIRST NIGHT INTERNATIONAL encourages the design of "First Night" (New Year's Eve) celebrations that bring communities together through the arts. Promoting not-for-profit, easily accessible, non-alcoholic, collaborative, innovative festivities and celebrations around New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, First Night groups in the year 2000 will also prompt, devise, develop, sponsor, and oversee a series of projects that will leave a legacy of public investment in the future cultural, social, and ecological well-being of local communities, neighborhoods, towns, and cities.
For more information, contact:
Ms. Zeren Earls, President
First Night International
200 Lincoln Street, Suite 301
Boston MA 02111-2418
tel + 617-357-0065,
fax +617-357-0066

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Foundation for Global Community
Emphasizing the need in the next century to adopt as our primary identity our identity with other human beings everywhere, 2000 AND ONE is a new program of the FOUNDATION FOR GLOBAL COMMUNITY, which is the successor to the Beyond War Foundation, co-founded by Emilia Rathbun, who,at the age of ninety-three, has just received the Eleanor Roosevelt Award for Humanitarian Service from the group, Women of Vision and Action.
For more information, contact:
Susan Mokelke
222 High St
Palo Alto CA 94301
tel +650-328-7756,
fax +650-328-778520008

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Foundation for the Future: Humanity 3000 Symposium
12-16 July 2000
The FOUNDATION FOR THE FUTURE was established in 1996 "to promote scholarly research to better understand the factors that may have a major impact on the future of humanity." To that end, it sponsors basic research but focuses its attention on the long-term survivability of humanity and sponsors a series of seminars and synmposia, in particular a series called HUMANITY 3000 that will assess the current status of humanity in the year 2000, identify the most significant factors that affect the quality of life of the people of the Earth, and suggest research areas and actions tobe taken to set the stage for maintaining the quality of life for humanity during the coming millennium.The Year 2000 Symposium will be an international gathering of approximately one hundred of some of the world=s most prominent scholarsB-scientists, philosophers, humanists, historians, technologists, and futurists.
For more information, contact:
Dr. Sesh Velamoor, Deputy Director
123 - 105th Avenue Southeast
Bellevue WA 98004-6265
tel + 425-451-1333
fax +425-451-1238

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Foundation for the Future of Youth
Dedicated to balancing vision, values, and growth in projects engaging youth of ages 18-25, the Foundation has just received its first major grant to create the Incredible Gathering Of Youth, 12-19 August, 2000, prospectively at the University of Michigan. Fifteen hundred American youth will participate, from every congressional district, state and youth organization, and in so doing they will have implemented a national youth process the like of which have never before existed in the United States. An advisory board of youth has already been working at the Foundation, and prior to the meeting in Michigan, there will be an electronic gathering, bringing other youth together on issue areas in an interactive website. These youth will already have given "gifts" to their communities through service projects and actions on community commitments, and their projects will become the foundation for a database cataloging the great work done by young people in every community in the United States. At the Gathering itself, participants will come to appreciate and understand sustainability and the programs, practices, and policies that can support balanced development in communities. The goals of the Gathering will be to create a strong national youth movement for balance in community development, create consensus on a process to develop a national youth vision by the year 2100, and create action projects highlighting youth participation in every community in the United States.
For more information, contact:
David Pines, Executive Director
11426 Rockville PIke, Suite 100
Rockville MD 20852
tel +301-468-9431,
fax +301-468-9612

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Fund for Global Awakening
In 1997 this foundation proposed MESSAGES FOR A NEW MILLENNIUM:GLOBAL CAMPAIGN SPEAKING TO THE HEART OF HUMANITY. This would be a comprehensive public communications campaign inviting people the world over "to listen to the original healing voice that lives and breathes within each human heart," and so to restore hope at the threshold of the 21st century, "the doorstep of a new era," in a world filled with despair. The Fund also supports and facilitates projects devoted "to the global awakening process occurring among humanity," and works directly with leaders, teachers, artists, healers, and the general population to discover and establish new patterns for healing, learning, communication, organization, finance, and leadership.
For more information, contact:
P.O. Box 1179
Point Reyes Station CA 94956-1179 USA
tel +1-415-663-8211,
fax +1-415-663-8261

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Global Citizenship 2000
Begun in 1997 with a successful international Youth Congress in Vancouver and a Mosaic Quilt Project, GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP 2000 in collaboration with the International Foundation of Learning may still intend to bring together another Youth Congress in 2000, as part of "a network of all ages who are working together to take greater responsibility for the Earth and all life on it...[as] citizens of the Earth first and nations second."
For more information, contact:
Desmond Berghofer and Geraldine Schwartz
Institute for Ethical Leadership, and
Visioneers International Network
209-1628 West 1st Avenue
Vancouver BC V6J 1g1Canada
tel +604-734-2544,
fax +604-734-9723
or (for connections)

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Global March for Jesus
More than 30 million people will participate in a GLOBAL MARCH FOR JESUS on 10 June 2000, during the week of Pentecost . Described as "A Day on Earth as it is in Heaven," in which no one goes hungry, no child is fatherless, no one suffers alone, and there is singing in the streets, this "Jesus Day" will be focused on doing things for other people in one=s community. People in more than 2000 cities are expected to participate in this procession of prayer and worship and in a wide variety of community projects.
For more information, contact:
Stephanie Tucker or Marty St.Onge
March for Jesus
P.O. Box 3216
Austin, TX 78764 USA
tel: +1 (512) 416-0066

or Global March for Jesus (UK)

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Global Meeting of Generations
Through its COMMON FUTURES FORUM program, "Visionary Leadership for the 21st Century," the GLOBAL MEETING OF GENERATIONS is establishing an international network of young social entrepreneurs, men and women who are committed to their communities and their countries. Using their vision, creativity and determination to improve the human condition, they work in such fields as education, human rights, environment, peace, health, and economic development through micro enterprises and micro credit. The Forum means to promote a "nuclear fusion" among amazing young agents of change who will learn from each other and from international experts about new ways of action to fulfill their dreams for their societies. They will learn how to cooperate effectively at the global level by networking together and interacting with leaders in development from all generations. After a three-year process, 1999-2001, it is hoped that the CFF will become a self sustaining network and an advocacy community for young social entrepreneurs. In 1998 the CFF launched a nomination process that prompted organizations from 70 countries to recognize young social entrepreneurs. Of these, 33 men and 27 women with an average age of 27, from 42 different countries were selected for the CFF. In January 1999, CFF members met for a week of workshops hosted by the Inter-American Development Bank and the World Bank. They then participated prominently in the first GMG Conference. The next CFF workshop will take place early in 2000, and in 2000 and 2001, the GMG will organize two training workshops that reflect on the best ways of promoting social entrepreneurship by youth and implement peer mentor programs to increase the CFF's outreach and sustainability.
For more information, contact:
Robert Berg, Managing Partner
c/o International Development Conference
1875 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 720
Washington DC 20009-5728
tel + 202-884-8580
fax +202-884-8499

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Global Millennium Project
This is apparently a cyber-movement for world peace which asks for signatures, on site, to a World Petitition for Universal Human Rights and a World Constitutional Initiative, with proposals also for a Millennium World Peace Olympics of globally televised cultural events dedicated to "One world for the one humanity." You may also add a dream for the future to the on-site Millennium Ship of Dreams. The goal ofl this movement is to "mobilize the entire planetary resource base to serve the highest good of everybody on the planet."
For more information, contact:

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Global Peace Initiative
Founded by Dr. K. A. Paul, who was raised in a traditional Brahmin Hindu family but in his youth became a follower of Jesus and later a disciple of Mother Teresa, the GLOBAL PEACE INITIATIVE is "a movement of people throughout the world, joined together by words and deeds of justice and mercy to assert the essential dignity and inestimable value of every person. Through programs of public advocacy, education and human services, it seeks to give voice to those who have no voice, to fortify the conscience of youth, and to provide a helping hand to those who suffer because of ignorance, bigotry and violence." In his native India and elsewhere, the Initiative maintains schools, orphanages, and medical care facilities, and materially supports more than ten thousand widows. On 7 August 1999, on the first anniversary of the bombing of the US Embassy in Nairobi, the Initiative is supporting Kenyan President Daniel arap Moi's call to the people of his country and the leaders of all nations "to remember the suffering and courage of the survivors, and to rededicate themselves to the hard work of peace." President Moi also will award the first Global Peace Prizes as thousands assemble in Nairobi and elsewhere in 250,000 locations across the globe to fast and pray for peace. The Initiative is also supporting AAHA's simultaneous 7 August 1999 gathering for Racial Healing on the Mall in Washington, D.C.
For more information, contact:
Mary Scott Wall, Director of Communications
or Natalie Shon
101 North Alfred St, Suite 200
Alexandria VA 22314
tel +703-838-8448
fax +703-838-9244

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Global Youth Service Day 2000
This annual service day, scheduled for 14-15 April 2000, will highlight youth contribution through service around the world.
For more information, contact:
Mike McCabe

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Great Millennium Peace Ride
Starting with an idea hatched in Athens in 1993 at an impromptu meeting of world cyclists, the GREAT MILLENNIUM PEACE RIDE hoped to set up a caravan of five hundred cyclists representing each country, to bicycle around the world, starting in Vancouver on 6 August 1998 and arriving in Hiroshima on 1 January 2000. What remains of these ambitions is a variety of local peace-and-ecology rides for the millennium, as for example in Senegal.
For more information, contact:

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Heartbeat 2000 Project
This is a proposal for "global coherent emotion" in the mode of "group biofeedback," to get millions of people across the planet to maintain a heartbeat matching the natural resonance of the Earth on 31 December 1999, to heal and inspire.
For more information, contact:
Crystal Hill
PO Box 142
Waynesville NC 28786

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Indigenous 2000/Indigenas 2000
To be held around the beginning of the new millennium in four countries of the Americas, this series of gatherings will celebrate the new millennium and give Indigenous leaders an opportunity to meet to reflect on the past, discuss the present and create strategies and partnerships for the health, cultural, economic and educational prosperity of Indigenous peoples in the new millennium. INDIGENOUS 2000 and the Saskatchewan Indian Federated College in Regina (Canada) will host the "Healing/Spirituality" Conference on 24 August--2 September 2000. Participants at this gathering and the other three will include Indigenous people from around the world. Interested non?Indigenous are welcome to participate. Each gathering will be documented and the results will be made available to a wider audience through print, electronic and video media.
For more information, contact:
Wes Stevenson
tel +1 -306-779?6267

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International Children's Games Millennium Festival
With the theme, "The Spirit Unites," the Games and Festival will take place 1-7 July 2000, in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. This will be the 30th International Children=s Games; in 1999 the Games were held in Medias, Romania. For young athletes 15-15 years old, the Games promote international peace and goodwill, and the accompanying festival will celebrate the arts and cultural exchange.
For more information, contact:
Greg Maychak, General Manager
ICG Millennium Festival
tel: +1-416-546-2000

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International Peace City 2000 Program
A collaboration of the International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP) with several United Nations organizations (ECOSOC, UNCED, UNDPI, UNESCO, UNICEF), the INTERNATIONAL PEACE CITY 2000 PROGRAM means to create a vehicle for social change through mayor's offices around the world. With particular emphasis on the UNICEF theme, "Towards Child-Friendly Cities," IAEWP offices in each city will use their UN Peace Messenger Designation to promote peace, global thinking, and local action. In addition, the IAEWP will be helping cities and educators prepare for the 10th WORLD PEACE CONGRESS, to be held in Greenwich (UK) in the year 2000. Concerning millennium events: it should be noted that these are taking place worldwide under the auspices of the IPC 2000 program on the following days: March 21st--Spring Equinox, March 22--World Water Day,April 7th--World Health Day, April 22nd--Earth Day, May 15th--International Families Day, June 5th--World Environment Day, June 21st--Summer Equinox, August 9th--World Indigenous Peoples Day, September (Third Tuesday) - International Peace Day, September 21st--Fall Equinox, October 24th--United Nations Day, December 21st--Winter Equinox, December 31st--World Healing Meditation.
For more information, contact:
2 Bloor St. West Suite 100-209
Toronto Ontario M4W 3E2
or Mitchell Gold, IAEWP
tel + 1-416-924-4449

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Journey of the Magi
August 1999-January 6, 2000
A pilgrimage retracing the journey of the Magi from Ur (Southern Iraq) to Bethlehem. Four million dollars of humanitarian aid will be initiated through water, housing, and cultural projects.
For more information, contact:
Journey of the Magi 2000
P.O. Box 1037
Pinecrest, CA 95634 USA

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Jubilaeum 2000
The Roman Catholic Church, actively encouraged by Pope John Paul II's Apostolic Letter, Tertio Millennio Adveniente: To the Bishops, Clergy and Lay Faithful On Preparation for the Jubilee of the Year 2000 (1994), is preparing for the two-thousandth anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ as a major year of jubilee, inviting Christians from around the world to make a pilgrimage to Rome (and to holy sites in Israel and Palestine, such as Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Nazareth, and the Sea of Galilee).
For more information, contact:
See also Jubilee 2000, below, and Great Jubilee 2000, under Italy-Rome
Contact: Interconsult S.r.l
Divisione Telematica Multimediale
Via A. Ottoni, 17
62024 Matelica
tel + 39-737-83083,
fax +39-737-787238

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Jubilee 2000
An international non-profit organization, JUBILEE 2000 is dedicated to persuading the industrial countries to cancel the burdensome debts of the poorest countries in the spirit of jubilee. Originally a biblical reference to a sabbatical seventh or fiftieth year (at the end of every 7 X 7 years), jubilee has been invoked by the Catholic Church in particular at the ends of centuries, and in 1999 Pope John Paul II called for debt relief in the year 2000--as had, in 1990, the African Council of Churches, and in 1997 the World Development Movement and the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions. On 19 June 1999 the organizers of JUBILEE 2000 organized a human chain at the G-8 Summit to make their presence known to the leaders of those countries who hold most of the rest of the world's debts.
For more information, contact:
Patrick Twomey
222 E. Capitol St NE
Washington DC 20003
tel +202-783-3566
fax +202-546-4468
and more widely,
or (United Kingdom and central offices)
or (worldwide)

Jubilee 2000 Afrika Campaign Secretariat
External Liaison
Desk P0 Box 100 London
SEl 7RT United Kingdom
tel +44(0)1714019999
fax +44(0)1714013999

See also Canadian Ecumenical Jubilee Initiative, under Canada
Ireland-Jubilee 2000

Note also that the St. Anthony Messenger Press has begun issuing a new periodical, Millennium Monthly, designed to prepare Roman Catholic parishioners in the United States for the jubilee, in collaboration with the National Pastoral Life Center.

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JUBILLENIUM is a for-profit organization established in April 1997 to organize international millennium celebrations, events, projects, and donations to charity. JUBILLENIUM aims to inspire and promote a better third millennium: a thousand years of peace, hope, fraternity, friendship and understanding between nations, countries, religions and people. Through its commercial arm, it will devote a significant part of its profits to benefit the children of the world, nature conservation, and improvement of the global environment.

The JUBILLENIUM CHARTER reads in part, "We, the representatives of religions and nations of the world, and of the international community, in cooperation with the World Council of Peoples for the United Nations, hereby proclaim our dedication to the supreme goal of universal peace and harmony for which our world was created. Therefore, we declare our commitment to this spirit of the Jubillenium, of human reconciliation, mutual respect, environmental responsibility and sustainable development, in order to bring about a better world in which the spirit of peace and fellowship among nations and religions shall prevail."

The Organization plans a series of festive concerts to be held at different locations throughout the year 2000, starting on 31 December 1999. In cooperation with the World Council of Religions for Peace (W.C.R.P.), JUBILLENIUM will hold a two-day "Interfaith Convention for World Peace" involving 200 representatives of religions, renowned cultural leaders, and members of international organizations. A "convention without borders," it will take place on a boat anchored at a point touching the borders of Israel, Jordan, and Egypt. Rabbi Rosen and Rafi Luzon will act as main coordinators for this event, 4-6 May 2000.

THE GREAT EMBRACE will be a "Ring of Life Around the Dead Sea" on 31 December 1999 as perhaps 100,000 people from all over the globe join hands to share a millennial moment and high spirits at the lowest point on earth. Children hurt by war or disease, by natural disasters or violence, are invited to help form the great ring as emissaries of hope for a better new millennium.

JUBILLENIUM MARCH, organized by the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (SPNI), will take visitors along roads and paths used during the time of Jesus, combining historical visits with tradition and nature, every month until the end of December 2000.

MOTORCYCLE PEACE JOURNEY (Rome-Istanbul-Jerusalem-Bethlehem) will involve some 1000 motorcyclists flying their nations' flags through Italy, Greece, Turkey, Jordan, The Palestinian Authority, and Israel in support of peace, tolerance and fraternity between peoples and faiths. The trip will be launched in Rome at a gala celebration during May 2000 and will last ten days.

A NEW MILLENNIUM PHOTO COMPETITION will take place between September 2000 and the end of 2001, with a $20,000 prize for the best photo from a professional, $10,000 from an amateur.

An INTERNATIONAL YOUTH PARLIAMENT at Netanya, Israel, in March 2000, is being organized in collaboration with Netanya Municipality and Mr. Baruch Heller, Ulpan Akiva and the Netanya Academic College, to provide an opportunity for young persons ages 20-35 to discuss the issues of leadership and world peace. The week-long parliamentary debates will revolve around three themes: the role of young leaders in molding the new generation; the role of identity in modern times, nationality, religion and culture; education in the 21st century. The Parliament will be chaired by the American two-star Air Force General Derrill Schroder and by Nobel Peace Prize winner, José Ramos Horta.
For more information, contact:
Jubillenium Ltd.
580 Sylvan Ave., Englewood Cliffs, N.J. USA 07632
tel: 972 (0)9 835 9494
fax 972 (0)9 885?2068
Orlee Zorbaron
New York Offices
17 E. 45th St, Suite 8806
tel 1-212-531-2000,
fax 1-212-983-7432

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KOYNOYNA is a group within the Methodist church which helps to build personal and inter-congregational links in the world church by many means, including exchange visits. They hope to set up one thousand Millennium Partnerships linking congregations in the United Kingdom and overseas.
For more information, contact:
The Rev. Kingsley Halden,
Alandale, Mumby Road,
Huttoft, Lincs LN13 9RF
United Kingdom

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LightShift 2000
When: Every month from now until January 1, 2001

LightShift 2000 is a series of universal global meditations and prayers held at noon on the first of each and every month until January 1, 2001. Simultaneous meditations are also scheduled for January 1, 1999, 2000, and 2001 at 12:12 am. The aim is to illuminate the field of collective consciousness with positive energy as we approach and span the millennial years.

For more information, contact:

Ken Kalb
LightShift 2000
P.O. Box 5796
Santa Barbara, CA 93150 USA
or Web site:

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Living Universe (Formerly First Millennial Foundation)
Based on a book by Marshall T. Savage, The Millennial Project: Colonizing the Galaxy in 8 Easy Steps, this foundation encourages thinking, invention, and investment toward the colonization of other planets, on the premise that in the absence of evidence of intelligent life on other planets, it is a human duty to colonize the galaxy.
For more information, contact:
Living Universe Foundation
3300 East 14th Avenue, Suite #17
Denver CO 80206
tel + 303 322 5052,
fax +303 322 9692
website: (now Living Universe Foundation )

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Long Now Foundation
Established in 1996 by Stewart Brand, founder of the Whole Earth Catalog, the LONG NOW FOUNDATION is dedicated to fostering long-term responsibility. A 10,000-year clockBa millennial clock--and library for the deep future are its founding projects, both of these dedicated to helping people think, understand, and act responsibly over long periods of time. For more detail, see Brand's 1999 book, Clock of the Long Now (Basic Books), which is an argument against short-sightedness and pathologically short attention spans.
For more information, contact:
PO Box 29462
San Francisco CA 94129-0462 USA
tel +415-561-6582,
fax +415-561-6297

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M2 India Social Infrastructure Development Project
A project to increase internet access for India's schools.
For more information, contact:
Gerry Morgan
213-9865 W. Saanich Rd
Sidney BC V8L 5Y8 Canada
fax +250-655-8859

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Madagascar 2000
6-13 October 2000

The Third International Conference on Women in Africa & the African Diaspora will have as its theme: FACING THE NEW MILLENNIUM: GENDER IN AFRICA AND THE AFRICAN DIASPORABRETROSPECTION AND PROSPECTS.
For more information, contact:
Obioma Naneameka, Convener
Third WAAD Conference
Women's Studies Program
Cavanaugh Hall Room 001c
Indiana University
425 University Blvd.
Indianapolis IN 46202
tel +317-278-2038 or -274-7611
fax +317-278-2347

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Megacities 2000

Founded in December 1994 at the request of UNESCO to the International Academy of Architecture (IAA), the MEGACITIES 2000 FOUNDATION is dedicated to collecting and distributing information about the growth and development of large cities. Two lectures have been sponsored, one in 1997 and one in 1998.
For more information, contact:
Prof. Jan Hoogstad
Koen Bolt
IAAPO Box 818
3000 AV Rotterdam
The Netherlands
tel + 31-10-436-8062

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Beginning as a net survey of the hopes and worries of youth, of which some 45,000 messages had been registered on site by 19 January 1999, MILLENARIUM has now submitted forty-two questions about human and planetary survival to the leaders and participants at the G7 meeting on 18 June 1999 in Germany. By October he hopes to have enough responses to publish an anthology called Millenarium, the first universal book ever written, to be published by Robert Laffont (for France). Six other publishing houses (Italy, Great Britain, Germany, USA, Japan and Canada) will be in charge of translating and publishing the book worldwide. Meanwhile Millenarium has forty-nine regular correspondents around the world gathering the opinions of youth about what needs to be done in the next century. Millenarium's ambition is "to do as much as possible so that the ideas, worries and aspirations of young people of the entire world be taken into account by the political leaders of this planet, since they are in charge of assuring the well-being of the men and women of this earth."
For more information, contact:
Contact: Rachid Nekkaz and Leonard Anthony
tel +33-1-53-67-15-55,
fax +33-1-53-67-14-14

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Millennium Art Proposal
"To love the earth is to preserve it for the future. The millennium is a perfect time to achieve this. But first of all, mankind has to become aware of the beauty of the earth and discover that our planet is a partner, a provider of life. This positive approach will encourage and inspire people to cherish their environment. To open the eyes of the people, 2000 artists from all over the world will create artistic impressions of a specific location or item, related to the beauty of the earth." Their assignment: "What is your reason to love the earth?"The Millennium Art Collection '2000 Reasons to Love the Earth' will be published worldwide in a colorful book and displayed at five exhibitions spread over each continent during the year 2000.
For more information, contact:

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Millennium Bell Proposal
"In June of 1995, I [Bruce Hasson] cast and exhibited a 450-pound bell from melted firearms celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations in San Francisco. This bell has inspired a global project which will recognize human achievements and concerns in relation to world peace in science, the environment, art and culture. With the assistance of the Marinelli bell foundry near Rome, which has been casting bells for a thousand years, seven sculptural bells would be designed and cast for this project, using melted firearms, thus symbolizing the desire for world peace. Marinelli has cast bells for the Kremlin, the Vatican, the Children's Bell Tower in California and for celebration of the first millennium. On the evening of the third millennium, people would gather together at various places where the bells are installed in recognition of the multitude of achievements and concerns for the future of mankind."
For more information, contact:

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Millennium Children's Conference
When: October, 1999

Background: The Rescue Mission project was created out of the energy generated by the Rio Earth Summit. The children's edition of the Earth Summit Agenda 21 was created, and a world wide network of some 500 youth eco groups in 120 countries was established by four UN agencies -- UNICEF, UNDP, UNEP, and UNESCO. Since then, the frustration of young members of this network has steadily mounted as the unwillingness of governments to mount a serious Rescue Mission to Planet Earth became more apparent. This culminated at the UN's Earth Summit Review when it was reveale that, far from providing "new and additional resources" to aid countries of the South to achieve sustainable development, overseas development aid had in fact dropped by 17% between 1992 and 1997. Also, it was clear that, without that aid, countries in the South were not committed to deliver on the promises they made in Agenda 21.

Meanwhile, the same problems were continuing and intensifying: the number of endangered and extinct species increased; water resources declined and became unstable; social and economic problems worsened in many parts of the world, and no agreements could be reached about such vital matters as climate change, rainforest protection, and biodiversity. Governments trumpeted the increase in FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) but most of that went to just three countries, and only 5% to the poorest countries of Africa. Following the Earth Summit review, it became clear that there would be no public outcry: the kind of outcry that greeted the death of a single princess could not be generated by the prospect of the death of an entire planet.

So the young people of the Rescue Mission network figured that it is time to take stock. Many of those in power now will not live long into the next millennium. Some Rescue Mission members will be alive for another 70 years -- until the time that today's ecologists tell us that life on the planet may have become very unpleasant for large swathes of the population. So Rescue Mission decided to call a Millennium Children's Conference -- to review what we have learned from the last millennia, and to set some priorities that will ensure that life will continue for at least another millennium.

Location: Five sites have been selected to bid to host the conference.
Attendance: 1,000 young people and 200 staff.
Language: English, French, Spanish; with whisper translation for other languages.
Focus: 1) Real Work, 2) Serious Debate, 3) Serious Fun.
Duration: 5 days, October 1999.
Age group: Young people aged 13 - 17.

For more information, contact:

Millennium Children's Conference
David Woollcombe and Cecilia Weckstrom
Rescue Mission Planet Earth
The White House
Buntingford, Herts
England SG9 9AH
tel: +44 176 327-4459
fax: +44 176 327-4460

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Millennium Day Broadcast
To herald the start of the 21st century, PBS will mount a massive worldwide broadcast undertaking entitled THE MILLENNIUM DAY BROADCAST. This 24-hour program will involve the cooperation and participation of television networks in more than 40 countries. Viewers will see first-hand how different countries and cultures celebrate the moment of the arrival of a new year, a new century and a new millennium. The program will bring viewers live celebrations, rituals, pageantry and spectacles as they unfold around the world from country to country, with a different nation's broadcast originating live for the half-hour before midnight in all 24 time zones. WGBH-Boston will produce the program in collaboration with the BBC, and the broadcast's overall goal will be to encourage reflection on the challenges all people face in the new millennium. A consortium of thirteen PBS stations, including WGBH/Boston, WNET/New York, and WTTW/Chicago will be responsible for production of the American segments.
For more information, contact:
Carole Osterer
Project Manager
The Millennium Day Broadcast
125 Western Avenue
Boston, MA 02134 USA
tel +617-492-2777
fax +617-782-4338
tel: (for BBC) +44-(6)-177-782-4338

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Millennium Digital Be-In
Verbum, Inc. will be hosting its 12th annual Digital Be-In, the Millennium Digital Be-in, in January 2000 in San Francisco. This event, where the first glimmers of "cyberculture" emerged in the early 1990s, began as a showcase for the programmers and artists behind the digital media revolution to celebrate their updated version of the '60s counterculture. Originally formally tied to the annual Macworld Expo conference held every January, the Be-In combines musical performances, exhibits, speakers and an immersive environment composed of interactive art and the computer-driven light shows of the digital age. Following a tradition of socially conscious themes, the 11th Be-In's theme of "Body, Mind & Cyberspace" encouraged attendees (both physical and virtual) to take a hard look at what works and doesn't work in the digital realm, with an eye towards building a more human civilization in the 21st Century. Over the past four years, the Digital Be-In has focused on Freedom of Speech on the Internet (with the launch of the Electronic Frontier Foundation's Blue Ribbon Campaign), Cultural Diversity in Cyberspace and Human Rights in Cyberspace. In 1999 the Be-In posed "questions about physical and mental health as we integrate the unfolding realm of cyberspace into our psyches, families and societies," according to Michael Gosney, founder of the Digital Be-In and president of Verbum, a company dedicated to using its communication tools for social betterment on a global scale.
For more information, contact:
Verbum, Inc.
PO Box 78067
San Francisco CA 94107 USA
tel +1-425-777-9901,
fax +1-425-777-9929

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Millennium Eve Vigil
Toronto, Ontario, and around the world
In 1997, at the age of sixty-two, Austin Repath, a retired Toronto humanities professor, began to style himself a Millennium Pilgrim. Ever since, he has been traveling across North America advocating a MILLENNIUM EVE VIGIL in which families and communities take time to reflect upon their lives in all generations and toward a better world in the future. "One of the best moments happened on a farm in Iowa. This sweet old lady told me she planned to gather her family around her in the living room on Millennium Eve and tell them the story of her life. This would be her millennium gift to them. Then she plans to have her grandchildren gather around to tell of their plans and hopes and dreams for the 21st century. Lovely idea, isn't it? The matriarch of the family on the threshold of the new millennium, reaching across two generations to share her life with the youngsters. Then asking them to open the door to the future with their young eyes to share their visions with her.'' He has also prepared a Millennium Teacher's Guide for elementary and high schools, an outline for a simple church ritual that uses the vigil as a way of sharing with people the sacredness of this moment in history, and an outline and suggestions to help people organize in their homes, with family and friends, as a significant way to celebrate this moment in history.

For more information, contact:

Millennium Eve Vigil
Austin Repath
2 Slade Avenue, Suite 400
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6G 3A1
Web site:

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Millennium Experience Channel
Established in 1993 to deal with the "millennium architecture crisis" of badly designed, dull, or inappropriate buildings, FAT (Fashion Architecture Taste) brought together architects, visual artists, graphic designers and filmmakers to collaborate on projects. Most of these are provocative and speculative, such as a Princess Diana Millennium Bridge connecting St. Paul's Cathedral to the new Tate Galleries and an International Millennium Monument consisting of world architectural icons (such as the Taj Mahal) to be constructed in miniature along the Thames River in London.
For more information, contact:

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Millennium International Children's Conference
Organized by the United Nations Education Programs (UNEP), this conference is scheduled for 22-24 May 2000 in Eastbourne, United Kingdom.The conference is expected to bring together one thousand children to learn about and discussion their contributions on "Sharing the Planet," "Water Is Life," and "Living in Cities." The children will then develop challenges for governments and people worldwide.
For more information, contact:
Theodore E. A. Oben
Children and Youth Officer
UNEP Information and Public Affairs Branch
PO Box 30552
Nairobi, Kenya
tel +254-2-623-262
fax +254-2-623-927/3692/3404

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Millennium of Peace 2000
The CENTRO INTERNAZIONALE PER LA PACE TRA I POPOLI (The International Center for Peace through the People) proposes icons, images such a "Fire of Peace in a Millennium without Wars," and campaigns where "everyone is a messenger for peace."
For more information, contact:

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Millennium Peace Run
The Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Millennium Peace Run is not a single run or marathon but a series of events throughout 1999, such that there is a "run for peace" happening somewhere in the world every day, culminating in THE RUN TO 2000 or MILLENNIUM PEACE RUN on 31 December 1999, in collaboration withBEACON MILLENNIUM in the UK. The Peace Run is organized by the members of the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team, an international running organization that believes that sports can be a powerful instrument for promoting world peace. Founded by peace advocate Sri Chinmoy as a means of advancing global harmony, the Run does not seek to raise money or promote any political cause, but only to create good will among people and nations. It is managed by Peace Runs International, Inc. (PRI), a US-based non-profit organization supported by volunteers around the world and founded in 1986 by Shambhu Neil Vineberg, a videographer and TV producer, in 1987. For extensive local contacts and runs, see the listings on the website.
For more information, contact:
Sri Chinmoy Millennium Peace Run
tel 1-718-760-0250
fax +1-718-592-1696

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Millennium People's Assembly Network
Substantial progress has been made recently on the "People's Millennium Assembly" and Millennium NGO Forums that are being organized for the next two years, accompanying the United Nations Millennium Assembly and Summit which will open the General Assembly session in September of 2000. Forum events are being organized at the local, national, and continental levels, along with the primary event that will likely be held in the General Assembly Hall in New York prior to the Millennium Summit. The Millennium Forum will cover all primary thematic areas and make specific policy and program recommendations in its reports to the Secretary General and the Millennium Assembly.The process for global participation is now well underway. In December we set up a Planning Consultative Council for the Millennium Forum with some 100 representatives from around the world; a Steering Committee of 25-30 people, including the chairs of primary events being recognized as Millennium NGO Forums; and an Executive Committee of the Chairs, Officers, and Logistical Coordinators for the Forum. The Millennium People's Assembly Network (MPAN) continues to plan for a Millennium People's Assembly event that will also be held in 2000, details for which will most likely be decided at an open and participatory People's Assembly Convention be held during and at the Hague Appeal for Peace Conference in May of 1999.The Millennium Forum continues to be defined as a one-time process and event, while MPAN is developing a network of local and regional People's Assemblies and working towards establishing a permanent People's Assembly associated with the United Nations. Through the Forum processes however, we are creating the structure and means for on-going partnerships, cooperative activities, and communications throughout the NGO community.
For more information, contact:
Rob Wheeler, Coordinator and Chair
Millennium People's Assembly Network (MPAN)
P.O. Box 328, Scotland, PA 17254 USA
tel. and fax: 1-717-264-0957
or 1-717-264-5036

Sue Zipp
77 United Nations Plaza, 6th Floor
New York NY 1001

requests that certain events be included as Millennium Forum events should be sent to


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Millennium Prayer Vigil
Monastic Interreligious Dialogue and the Alliance for International Monasticism are co-sponsoring an all-night PRAYER VIGIL 31 Dec 1999-1 January 2000. Some twenty thousand Christian monastics in the United States, Canada, and Central America, at 187 monasteries, will take part.
For more information, contact:
Sister Mary Margaret Funk
AIM345 East Ninth St.
Erie PA 16503-1107

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Millennium Project
Also called a Field Guide to the 21st Century, this site proposes a "jihad against ignorance" in the new millennium.
For more information, contact:

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The Millennium Project24: "A World In Harmony--on HDTV"
When: January 1, 2000
A full day proposed television telecast delivered live to all parts of the world on New Year's Day 2000 to "usher in a culture of peace" by delivering a "sublime spiritual" message.

For more information, contact:
The Millennium Project24
Web site:

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Millennium Society

Founded in 1979, the MILLENNIUM SOCIETY since 1984 has organized Countdown 2000 Charity Balls whose proceeds go to establishing Millennium Scholarships for international study at United World Colleges. Students from China, Colombia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Romania, Russia, Sierra Leone, Swaziland, and the United States have benefitted from these scholarships, whose purpose is to encourage international understanding and cooperation. For New Year's Eve 1999 and the first days of 2000 , the Society is collaborating with the UNITED NATIONS UNIVERSITY MILLENNIUM PROJECT on a MILLENNIUM SYMPOSIUM of world leaders in finance, government, business, the arts, culture, science, and environmental action, to be held in Egypt and at the Pyramids of Giza. Also at Giza will be a twelve-hour "multi-media opera" composed by Jean-Michel Jarre, which starts at sunset.
For more information, contact:
The Millennium Society
1250 24th Street, NW Suite 350
Washington, D.C. 20037-1124.

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Millennium Television Network
This new network specifically for the turn of the millennium is planning a "Millennium Live-Humanity's Broadcast" twenty-five-hour program to celebrate the birth of a new century on 31 December 1999-1 January 2000. Much of the programming is of music concerts, but they seek other events as focal points as well.
For more information, contact:
Hal Uplinger
Executive Producer
Millennium Television Network
903 Third St. #303
Santa Monica, California 90403 USA
Michael McLees
Co-Executive Producer and President, MTN
David McGuigan, Vice-President, MTN
David Kines, Program Manager & Director of Music Operations, CHUM-TV

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Millennium 2000: Walking the Ways of Peace

Co-sponsored by Pax Christi USA, the Fellowship of Reconciliation, Los Angeles Catholic Worker, and Healing Global Wounds, MILLENNIUM 2000 is mobilizing people of faith to work together toward nuclear abolition, with immediate goals of ending sub-critical nuclear tests at the Nevada Test Site. From 29 December 1999 through 2 January 2000, those assembled for the "Nevada Desert Experience" will "proclaim the immorality of weapons of mass destruction," with the long-term mission of stopping "nuclear testing through a campaign of prayer, dialogue and nonviolent direct action." Special guests include Daniel Berrigan SJ, Dr. Rosalie Bertell, John Dear, Bp. Thomas Gumbleton, Joanna Macy, and Jonathan Schell.
For more information, contact:

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Millennium Weave
WEAVING THE DREAM is "a simple, joyful, and co?creative Birthday Party of goodwill for our dear Mother Earth and a deeply meaningful celebration for our New Millennium." An interactive Weaving the Dream! Millennium Celebration is being planned so that it will occur simultaneously "anywhere and everywhere," mid-year 2000, as a visual metaphor acknowledging that our planet is an interconnected, interlinked, and interdependent community: a "seamless fabric." Such weavings have already been done throughout this decade around the world. Designed for celebratory groups of 50 ? 200 people (schools, churches, clubs, family reunions, camps, small villages), Weaving the Dream! can easily be enlarged, but in original form it begins with a "Sacred Circle" pattern made with 12 pairs of 7-foot-tall poles secured into the ground and topped with a pennant (or flag). Around this structure a volleyball net about 30' long and 4' wide is secured between the poles. This creates an opening space for a Gateway to the center of the circle, and the net becomes the background "warp" and "weft" for the interactive "weaving" of each guest's own piece of colorful cloth, 3-4't long and 4-12" wide-Bperhaps a man's tie, a piece of torn T-shirt, a marvelous hand-woven offering, an ancestral remnant, something from a loved one's belongings.
For more information, contact:
Penny McManigal
Millennium Weave
PO Box 3472
Ashland OR 97520
tel +541-482-3300

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Millennium Young People's Congress
From 21 to 29 October 1999, the island of Oahu, Hawaii, will be host to a UN-style congress of young people ages 15-18. Perhaps as many as a thousand youth from around the world, 35 from mainland US, and 150 local Hawaiians will gather to discuss priorities and challenges for the next millennium. Formerly called a Children's Earth Summit, this congress is meant to empower youth worldwide to implement Agenda 21. Brought together through the offices of Peace Child International and Youth for Environmental Services, the Congress is the result of national youth consultations already held in 130 countries, and of democratic elections of boy and girl national delegates. A benefit rock concert is being held to provide moneys for a Millennium Action Fund, which will reward youth with grants up to $5000 for local projects. During the Congress, the young people will take time for a Make a Difference Day and help build a Peace Garden on two acres outside Diamond Head crater. UN dignitaries and other adult mentors will be present at the Congress, including the presidents of International Rotary and Kiwanis. The youth are also preparing a December 1999 exhibition of children's artwork describing the issues of their countries for the next millennium, which will be displayed in the lobby of the UN Building in New York City. Rescue Mission Planet Earth (see, under Peace Child, international section) will publish two books and a video arising from the Congress.
For more information, contact:
Mae Mendelson, Director
Ke Ala Hoku
PMB 2322
1142 Auahi, A7
Honolulu HI 96814
tel +1-808-597-1952,
fax +1-808-597-1522

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Moratorium 2000
This is an on-line project to get signatures in support of the abolition of the death penalty, organized by the Community of Saint Egidio. So far, more than 890,000 signatures have been collected.
For more information, contact:

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Odyssey 2000
When: January 1 to December 31, 2000
"Odyssey 2000 is an around-the-world bicycle trek lasting for one year (366 days), from January 1 to December 31, 2000. Though the specifics will evolve as we get closer to the event, we are planning to start and finish in Los Angeles, California. The 250 participants, accompanied by a staff of 34 and 15 vehicles, will cycle through 4 to 5 dozen countries covering about 20,000 miles in the 52 weeks."

For more information, contact:
Tim Kneeland & Associates, Inc.
200 Lake Washington Blvd., Suite 101
Seattle, WA 98122-6540
tel: +1 800 433-0528, +1 206 322-4102
fax: +1 206 322-4509
Web site:

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One Day in Peace 2000
When: January 1, 2000
The ONE DAY FOUNDATION is helping to spread the idea of 1/1/2000 being the beginning of new era of local and global cooperation by creating a loose network of organizations and individuals united in this shared idea of ONE DAY IN PEACE-whether through prayer, meditation, vigils, chanting, or other personal and communal devotions and collaborations. More than one thousand organizations in 130 nations have signed on as co?sponsors of this campaign for a worldwide day of peace in homes, communities, and between nations. Governments of 26 nations have sent letters of support. The Foundation is also working on WORLD PEACE 2000, a focus on the entire year as a year of peace, in accordance with the UN declaration of the Year 2000 as the International Year for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence. The ONE DAY Foundation was started by high school students in Sedona, Arizona, in 1994. This month, youth from 32 countries are coming together in Sedona to dialogue and share their ideas for a better world. (July 20?26 at Verde Valley School? where ONE DAY was born in 1994.) Young people have also convinced their mayors and 9 US governors to declare proclamations for One Day In Peace, January 1, 2000.
For more information, contact:

Contact these people:
Dr. Robert Muller, Chair
Chancellor, UN University for Peace
Apartado 138-1250
Ciudad Colon, Costa Rica
website via:

Robert Alan Silverstein, Co-Director
One Day in Peace Campaign
One Day Foundation
PO Box 570Roosevelt NJ 08555-0570
tel +609-443-5786,
fax +609-443-4307

Steve Diamond, Co-Director
One Day in Peace CampaignPO Box 90352
Santa Barbara CA 93190
tel/fax + 805-569-3361

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Operation Day's Work--From Youth to Youth, Education for Liberation, Education in Solidarity
This began in Norway in 1964 with the intent of providing foreign aid to developing countries. Inspired by Sweden's "give a day" campaign in 1962, The Norwegian School Students Union created ODW. It has an elected student government which chooses a country for the year and organizes the national curriculum for ten days of student learning in October. At the end, 200,000 Norwegian students ages 13-19 work for a day at a variety of jobs to raise money for a specific project in the designated country. Their work is done in solidarity with less privileged youth in other countries, based on the knowledge that change is necessary in our unfair world. Over the past thirty years, ODW has helped projects in 35 different countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. In 1996, a quarter of a million students raised three million dollars for ODW. Current projects are active in Brazil, Gaza, Guatemala, India, Nicaragua, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Thailand, and Uganda. Another of ODW's goals is to create a different picture of the South than war-catastrophe-misery. Through meeting youth from the South and spreading knowledge about literature, music and culture, ODW aims to show "the real south"--its strength, variety, resources and knowledge. "Through focusing on the World Bank, imperialism and colonialism ODW wants to point out causes and connections in a world where the majority is poor, and the minority rich. ODW doesn't want to focus on 'we are helping them'--we want our support to be a part of a common fight for a more fair distribution of the world's resources, and create a better future for everyone in the world." OPERATION DAY'S WORK--USA, initially overseen by the USAID, has enlisted a number of middle schools across the country. Eventually it will be run entirely by students and will "not only enlighten U.S. youth about the importance of U.S. involvement in the global arena but also will enable them to perform service to their communities. The overall goal of ODW is to create solidarity with the people of developing countries." The USA group has decided that its project for 1999-2003 will be "Livestock training for young people of Haiti." The goal is to educate the youth of northwest Haiti in animal and agricultural husbandry so that present and future families of Haiti will have a more secure economic base. To reach this goal, the project is framed around the millennium to train 2,000 youth in the application of sound animal husbandry practices, to give 2,000 youth a start?up loan capital in the form of one female goat, and to train each young person in animal care and management of an animal business enterprise.
For more information, contact:
PB 9157
Grønland 0134
Oslo, Norway
tel + 23-15-95-10

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Orion Society Millennium Conference
At the summer solstice, 21-24 June 1999, at the National Conservation Training Center in Shepardstown, West Virginia, the Orion Society Millennium Conference, "Fire & Grit: Working for Nature in Community," brought together grassroots, community-based organizations with writers about place and nature to forge a vision for the future of the environmental movement.
For more information, contact:
For a report,
K. Meagan Ledendecker
Conference Coordinator
195 Main Street / Great Barrington, MA 01230
tel: 413.528.4422
fax: 413.528.0676

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Parliament of the World's Religions
In 1893 several hundred scholars and religious leaders met at the first Parliament of Religion held at Chicago's World's Fair. On its centennial, seven thousand people came to a second Parliament also held in Chicago, and out of that event came Towards a Global Ethic: An Initial Declaration, which was subscribed by three hundred religious and spiritual leaders, scholars, and activists of the Assembly of Religious and Spiritual Leaders. Now the Council for a PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS is convening a third Parliament in Cape Town, South Africa, in which the many thousands of participants will be asked to reflect and act upon a third document, A Call to the Guiding Institutions, rooted in the principles and commitments posited by the Global Ethic. The Call asks for a renewed effort to confront and resolve the most critical problems facing humanity and for new forms of "creative engagement" among the guiding institutions--Religion, Government, Education, Commerce/Industry/Labor, Arts/Communications Media, Science/Medicine, International Intergovernmental Organizations, and Organizations of Civil Society. At Cape Town, in addition to the issuing of the Call and religious and spiritual dialogues, workshops, seminars, and exhibitions, there will be announcements of many Millennium Gifts, which may be in the form of personal action, spiritual dedication, financial support, or exemplary community projects that help people around the world to a more sustainable, just, and equitable future. As pledges, the Millennium Gifts will be tracked, as will the impact and effects of the Call, by the Council as its prepares for a 4th PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS in 2004.
For more information, contact:
Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions
PO Box 1630
Chicago IL 60690-1630
tel + 312-629-2990
fax +312-629-2991 or -3552

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Peace Caravan 2000

Leading a caravan of vans or cars, Lois Nicolai has been and will continue to be bringing the message and methods of mediation and peace to troubled areas of the world, as most recently in the Balkans. Her PEACE 20O0 CARAVAN has met with thousands of people who have joined the struggle to make World Peace Day on 1-1-2000 a powerful reality. So far the Peace 2000 Caravan, with people from many countries, has traveled more than 50,000 miles, all by land, throughout Canada, Yukon, Alaska, USA, Western Europe and Scandinavia. They have spent three days or longer in 60 global communities, living with the local citizens everywhere and meeting with the Mayor's Office in practically every town and city. In 1998, the PEACE 2000 CARAVAN spent two months traveling throughout Europe and Scandinavia; people from Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Canada and the USA were among those in the Caravan. Wherever they went they held Dialogue Seminars discussing the problems humanity is facing, and exploring ways we can all make a difference within our communities as well as globally. They asked the Mayors everywhere to work with the grassroots organizations to plan a WORLD PEACE DAY event on 1-1-2000 in their community and declaring the Year 2000 as the beginning of our Global Culture of Peace (see United Nations).

Lois is currently working on a project for Straw Bale (re)building in Kosovo.The upcoming PEACE 2000 CARAVAN leaves the United States for the British Isles on 18 October, then on to Nigeria or South Africa Oct. 25; Nov. 1, Israel; Nov. 1-8, India (Hyderabad); Nov. 8-15, Ukraine; Nov. 15-22 , Russia; Nov. 22-29, Kazakhstan; Nov. 29-Dec.6, China (Beijing); Dec. 6-13, Indonesia; Dec. 13-20, Australia (Sydney); Dec. 21-26, New Zealand (Gisborne); Dec. 27-Jan. 1, Chatham Islands and Dec. 31-Jan. 6. They leave New Zealand immediately after celebrating and welcoming in the new millennium and travel to the Chatham Islands where they will again celebrate and welcome in the new millennium a second time being the first people in the history of the world to welcome in a millennium two times. All of this is dependent upon locating sponsors and participants.
For more information, contact:
Lois Nicolai
tel + 732-556-9562
Bruce Nichols
Shine a Light for Peace
315 Leavenworth Rd
Shelton CT 06484
tel +203-929-9739

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Peace Child Charitable Trust
RESCUE MISSION PLANET EARTH is the unique international youth organization run by young people in association with top adult professionals. Set up by the United Nations after the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, its purpose is to promote the concept of sustainable development and enable young people to monitor how governments and other are keeping the promises they made there. Among the programs of Rescue Mission is Endangered Planet, a project to create a book for young people on the state of our planet and what is currently happening to it. The project is aimed at 12-17 year-olds and it involves rewriting, illustrating and summarizing existing chapters from UNEP's Global Environment Outlook, creating poems and case studies about the situations where you live and peppering the whole thing up with funky designs and beautiful pictures.
For more information, contact:
David Woolcombe and Cecilia Weckström
Rescue Mission Planet Earth
Peace Child Charitable Trust
The White House, Buntingford
Hertfordshire SG9 9AH
tel +44-176-327-4459
fax +44-176-327-4460

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Peaceday 2000/2001/2002
 Originating from New Zealand and expanding world wide, on January 1st 2000, 2001, 2002, PEACEDAY proposes a minute of silence at First Light of the new millennium. "The idea of the millennium miracle minute of silence for world peace is to focus and harness that collective energy to influence the global heart. A simple solution to a complex problem... silence......spreading globally with a feeling of Peace on Earth.........Let the whole world stop for one minute create a global shift toward world peace." The international launch of Planet Earth Peace Day and the First Global millennium miracle minute of silence was at the Sweetwaters Festival; the second was at the Womad Festival, and the third was a Traffic Jam in Gisborne on Day 300 of the countdown to Jan 1st.
For more information, contact:

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Peace in Prison 2000--Visions for Prisons
Peace in Prison 2000 teaches "attitudinal healing" for both prisoners and administrators of prisoners, and helps establish "attitudinal healing" support groups in prison, based on the work of Dr. Jerry Jampolsky. Its campaign for One Day in Peace in Prison on 1 January 2000--a day without violence on any side, from any direction, is well underway, with more than twenty countries engaged, prompting legislation in Thailand and India. A booklet, How to Practice Peace, is also available.
For more information, contact:
Dan Millstein
PO Box 1631Costa Mesa CA 92628
tel +714-556-8000

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Pole to Pole 2000
Beginning on March 15, 2000, an international team of twelve young adults (ages 18-24) from as many countries, representing the six continents, will make their way by boat and foot to the North Pole. Trained in trekking and wilderness techniques, they will then split up into three contingents and head south to reunite in Antarctica. Along the way, followed by video crews and covered by a series of reports in major news media, they will join in ongoing community projects and lend a hand wherever needed, directing world attention to local and regional environmental and ecological issues. They will also collect and carry the hopes and vows--pledges and gifts--from people of all ages, especially youth, in every country through which they pass, and these will be tracked on their website in the coming years. At 12:01 a.m. on January 1st, 2001, the team will be among the first to greet the new millennium at the International Date Line at the South Pole.
For more information, contact:
Martyn Williams
Pole to Pole 2000
5235 Mission Oaks Blvd. Suite 140
Camarillo, CA 93012 USA
tel: +1-(505) 466-8220
fax: +1 (505) 466-3523

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Projects 2000
When: building from now up to the Parliament of the World's Religions to be held in South Africa in 1999, and then continuing
"Projects 2000" is a project of the International Interreligious Initiative of the CPWR (Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions). The project, in cooperation with the Millennium Institute, is to "inspire individuals, groups, nations, and religious communities to make strategic 'millennium threshold gifts' that will make a long-term difference to the planetary community."

For more information, contact:
Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions
P.O. Box 1630
Chicago, IL 60690-1630
tel: +1 312 690-2990
fax: +1 312 629-2991
Web site:

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Project Global 2000

Originally an umbrella organization for twenty different groups working to improve global citizenship and interfaith relations, PROJECT GLOBAL 2000 was created by the founder of Global Education Associates. Now each group is acting individually, but Global Education Associates itself has organized THE GLOBAL MOMENT 1999-2001.
For more information, contact:
Carol Zinn or Eileen Gannon, Program Officers
Global Education Associates
Interchurch Center
475 Riverside
Drive, Suite 1848
New York NY 10015
tel +212-870-3290

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The Race
An around-the-world sailboat race, with coverage by France Telecom.
For more information, contact:
The Race
4, place de Sauverne
92971 Paris La Défense cedex 106

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Referendum for the 21st Century
When: now until 2001

"The 21st century is at hand yet its destiny is not carved in stone. Of course, future events will be determined by the natural evolution of the planet but also the actions and the ambitions of its inhabitants. The men and women who will live out their lives in the next century should be given such an opportunity to voice their opinions on a number of social and sustainable development issues facing tomorrow's society."

"Such an opportunity is uncommon. For this reason, we decided to launch a referendum to provide a forum for all who wish to express their opinion, particularly for those who will shape the 21st century - the youth."

"This referendum, certainly the first of its kind, has been launched on [the] Internet and will be open until the end of 2001."

For more information, see:

Referendum for the 21st Century
Web site:

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Religious Working Group on the World Bank and the IMF--Jubilee Project
"The fate of all people, our economic and social well-being, is increasingly tied to the well-being of peoples and all of God's creation throughout our world. Worldwide debt has a huge role to play in who sets the rules and the terms of the marketplace. Debt has become a powerful tool to force poor countries into economic policies that have hit the poorest the hardest, and which ultimately impact all of us."

"...As people of faith . . . our goal is to build the human community, a community of solidarity, where everyone has what they need for a dignified life in sustainable relationships with the rest of creation...."

"Spurred by the various projects to reform the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Religious Working Group (RWG) came together three years ago to articulate this call for reform in the language of faith. Many of us have significant interaction with peoples and communities in the 'two-thirds' poor world and have seen from their perspective the importance of this effort."

About 35 people representing religious denominations institutions, and organizations meet monthly or more often to shape RWG strategy. The Maryknoll Society Justice and Peace Office presently serves as "host" for the Working Group.

Participants in meetings and activities have often included:
  • Africa Faith and Justice Network
  • American Friends Service Committee
  • Augustinian Foreign Missions
  • Bread for the World
  • Campaign for a Moral Economy
  • Center of Concern
  • Church World Service
  • Columbian Justice and Peace Office
  • Disciples of Christ/United Church of Christ
  • Joint Ministry in Africa
  • Franciscan Mission Service
  • Franciscans international
  • Franciscans' Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation
  • Groundwork
  • Kairos USA
  • Maryknoll Sisters Office of Social Concerns
  • Maryknoll Society Justice and Peace Office
  • Mennonite Central Committee Washington Office
  • Missionaries of Africa
  • Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate
  • Missionaries of Africa
  • Nicaragua-U.S. Friendship Office
  • North American Coalition on Religion and Ecology
  • Oblates of Mary lmmaculate
  • Pax Christi USA
  • Peru Peace Network
  • Religious Task Force on Central America and Mexico
  • Sisters of the Holy Cross
  • Society of St Ursula
  • Sojourners
  • United Church of Christ Network for Environmental and Economic Justice
  • United Methodist Church, General Board of Church and Society
  • United Methodist Church, Women's Division
  • US Catholic Conference, International Justice and Peace Office
  • Witness for Peace.

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Ribbon International
In 1982 Justine Merritt was inspired by the idea of tying a Ribbon around the Pentagon, each segment to have the theme; "What I cannot bear to think of as lost forever in a nuclear war," and on 4 August 1985, fifteen miles of Ribbons encircled the Pentagon and other Washington buildings as well as the Atom Bomb Dome in Hiroshima, Japan. Since then, the Ribbon has been an ever-growing number of meter by half-meter pictures, sewn or painted on fabric, showing what each individual maker loves most and wants to protect by abolishing nuclear weapons, ending wars and preserving the environment. When symbolically tied together these panels show that we are ready to join with all humanity in protecting Earth's life. In 1986 in South Africa, black mothers and white mothers united using Ribbons to tell the government they did not want their children killing each other, and in Japan, Ribbons were used to protest the razing of Ikego Forest. In 1991, Ribbons including panels created by Iraqi and American children were exhibited at the UN during the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Conference, and in 1992 they were displayed in Brazil and around the planet during the Rio "Earth Summit." One of the co-sponsors of the 1993 Parliament of World Religions in Chicago, Ribbon International in 1995 had divers carry Ribbons under water to connect Egypt, Israel and Jordan. In 1996 International Mothers of Liberia used Ribbons to help protest the stealing of children for the army, and in 1997, Estonia used Ribbons to celebrate peace. In 1999 the theme is "A Society for All Ages," following the lead of the UN Year of Older Persons, recognition of humanity's demographic coming of age and the promise it holds for maturing attitudes and capabilities in social, economic, cultural and spiritual undertakings, not least for global peace and development in the next century." Older persons creating Ribbons are asked to show what is needed for a peaceful world going into the 21st century, and young people are asked to show what they are inheriting from the elderly to help create a peaceful world." For the year 2000 and the millennium, RIBBON INTERNATIONAL is encouraging worldwide exhibits for United Nations Day.
For more information, contact:
Michelle Peppers
7 Diana Hill
Huntington, NY 11743, USA
tel +1-516-673-5854

Hannah Wassermann
235 E 22nd St Apt 11 J
New York NY 10010
tel +1-212-689-0048

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Rotary International

 In 1990, Rotary International inaugurated its PRESERVE PLANET EARTH PROGRAM, for education on sustainable development. With 28,000 clubs in 161 countries around the world, the handbook just published for this program will achieve a wide circulation well into the next millennium. Rotary also promotes the planting of Peace Poles, 8-foot poles which have prayers for peace inscribed in six different languages, according to community needs and populations.
For more information, contact:
One Rotary Center
1560 Sherman Avenue
Evanston IL 60201 USA
tel +847-866-3000

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Seventy-Two Hours of Peace
The United Religions Initiative invites people of faith from around the world to participate "in an unprecedented act of inter-religious global cooperation--72 hours of interfaith peace-building at the turn of the millennium--as a living pledge to a new and more hopeful future for all people. The purpose of the 72 Hours Project is to bring into being a whole new level of global inter-religious cooperation, to commit together to a culture of cooperation and peace, and to create a gift of hope for the generations that will follow us." Events and programs responding to this initiative are already being planned in sixteen countries, including the Congo, India, Sri Lanka, and in diverse cities around the United States, as well as through global faith communities.
For more information, contact:
United Religions Initiative
P.O. Box 29242
San Francisco, CA 94129-0242
tel: 415-561-2300/2313

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Sister Cities International

SCI is coordinating a PAUSE FOR PEACE on 31 December 1999 during the last 10 seconds leading up to 1/1/2000. SCI works with mayors in 3200 cities around the world and will be urging all cities to incorporate a pause for peace, "10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3, PEACE, 1, Happy New Millennium," during countdowns to 2000, whether at a gala or home with family and friends. As one of the premier citizen diplomacy organizations in the world, SCI has a 45-year history of building relationships, bridging distances and breaking down prejudices and intolerance. They eagerly request help, guidance, collaboration, suggestions, warnings and partnerships for this once-in-a-Millennium chance to "galactically impact thought." They are also preparing the way toward peace with a program called "What Works in a Peaceful World: Stories of Courage, Compassion and Civility" from world leaders, veterans, political leaders, members of the faith community, youth, and people on the street about what is currently being done successfully and actively to build a more peaceful world. SCI is also working to establish 31 December 1999 as PAUSE FOR PEACE DAY. SCI's peace project is being co-coordinated by the Human Source Foundation of Fort Worth, TX, which was the source of the idea for The Pause for Peace and is a nonprofit organization "dedicated to sponsoring initiatives that address the human condition;" Fort Worth-Sister Cities International, which will serve as the model city for this program; and SCI, which plans to marshal efforts at both the grassroots and world?leader levels to expand the momentum for peace in the Third Millennium.
For more information, contact:
Mary Palko, Vice President
Sister Cities International
tel: (817) 926?2799
fax: (817) 926?5202

Fort Worth Sister Cities International
11 Houston
St.Fort Worth, Texas 76102
fax 817-212-2655

HS : The Human Source Foundation

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Species 2000

With the aim of enumerating all known species of plants, animals, fungi, and microbes on the Earth as the baseline data set for studies of global diversity, SPECIES 2000 is one of a number of millennium "census-taking" projects. Already it has held its Second International Workshop, on "Biological Diversity: The Value of Information for the 21st Century," in Tsukuba, Japan (14-16 July 1999).
For more information, contact:
Frank A. Bisby, Chair
Center for Plant Diversity and Systematics
School of Plant Sciences
University of Reading
Reading RG6 6AS, UK
tel +44-118-931-6466
fax +44-118-975-3676

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State of the World Forum

Every November this public, non-profit educational organization brings together "thoughtful and influential individuals from around the world and across a spectrum of disciplines to deliberate and act upon those guiding principles and values necessary to constructively address the great challenges of the coming decades; and within this context to take concerted action--strategic initiatives--to help give shape to the world we envision."

The 1999 State of the World Forum will be held October 1-6, and will gather over 800 luminaries, leaders and futurists from around the world to develop and examine systemic solutions that impact business, politics and human development into the next millennium. This Fifth Annual State of the World Forum is a special anniversary event that will launch the Forum's millennium programs and provide the groundwork for continued dialogue at the 2000 State of the World Forum to be held in New York, in conjunction with a special General Assembly of the United Nations.

The Forum now has five major initiatives: Coexistence, Emerging Leaders, Our Common Enterprise, Nuclear Elimination, and Whole Child. The Emerging Leaders Program intends to expand the participation of youth in the World Forum and to support youth leaders at every level. Our Common Enterprise is a two-year project launched during the 1998 Forum and dedicated to 1) articulating and publicizing an integrated, ethical and programmatic framework for the future; 2) identifying Model Programs and Best Practices which exemplify and demonstrate the practicality of building a sustainable civilization; 3) creating a Global Leadership Council comprised of innovative leaders from the fields of politics, social activism, business, finance, science, academia, religion and the arts--all of this culminating in September 2000 in New York to coincide with the special Millennium General Assembly of the UN in order to present findings and recommendations to the political leaders as they gather for their deliberations as well as commence outreach and interaction with the global public. The Whole Child Initiative seeks to integrate the insights of current research in the neurosciences, child development and learning with global models and "best practices" and to promote their application in the design of social and educational policies based on the critical requirements for the post-natal development of a healthy mind--the "irreducible needs" that must be met to enable infants and young children to progress successfully from one stage to another.
For more information, contact:
Theresa Whitehair
State of the World Forum
The Presidio
San Francisco, CA 94129 USA
tel: +1-415-561-2345
fax +1-415-561-2323
State of the World Forum
Coexistence and Community Building Initiative
Black Prince Road,London, England
tel +1-44 (0) 171-793-4115/4116

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Teamwork 2000
The Magical Child Foundation proposes an intercommunicating turn-of-millennium celebration, people around the world doing the same playful activities at the exact same time. TEAMWORK 2000 is helping to coordinate community activities around the world on 1/1/2000-their theme for the past decade has been to help bring peace through FUN. They have a breakdown of events planned each hour on 1/1/2000 in different parts of the world. (See also One Day in Peace Campaign)
For more information, contact:
Carol Lyons
Teamwork 2000
Magical Child Foundation
Rt 3, Box 266
Stillwater OK 74075
tel +405-377-2201
fax +405-372-3425

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Twenty-First Century Project
This is a nonprofit, nonpartisan program of research and education designed to explore and promote new directions in government science and technology policy in the post?Cold War era. The 21st Century Project advocates a reorientation of scientific and technological investments toward solutions to significant national and international problems such as environmental deterioration, improvements in the quality of work, and community stability. The 21st Century Project also stresses the need for democratizing decision?making about new scientific and technological priorities. The 21st Century Project is affiliated with the Lyndon Baines Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin, in Austin, Texas.
For more information, contact:
Dr. Gary Chapman, Director
(former executive director of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility)

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Twenty-Second Century Group--Making Sure We Get There
Leaders from fifty different millennium organizations and five countries met 18-20 August 1998 (centered on 19 August, Day 500 to Year 2000) at Oregon Institute of Technology, Klamath Falls, Oregon, to work out new collaborations among millennium groups and model ceremonies for welcoming in the new millennium. This TREE ISLAND MILLENNIUM GATHERING was organized by the TWENTY-SECOND CENTURY GROUP and representatives of One Day in Peace and the Millennium Institute. The goals of the TWENTY-SECOND CENTURY GROUP are to raise awareness, globally, of the potentially immense unifying power in celebration of the Millennium; to raise awareness of the value of using the year 2000 as a time to initiate change in patterns of human behavior; and to link individuals, Millennium organizations, and groups of all kinds toward those ends. Among the current projects of the Group, headed by Linda Grover, is THE MILLENNIUM MEAL, assuring that each person in the world has a substantial meal at the turns of 1999 into 2000 and 2000 into 2001, and so giving the world reason to celebrate: On January 1, 2000, the first day of the United Nations International Year of Thanksgiving and of the Culture of Peace, people around the world are invited to gather in their homes or with their neighbors, friends, or congregations to partake of a meal that is symbolically meant to be the first meal shared by the entire human family.A further program for all of the year 2000 is sketched out in Grover's book, Tree Island: using the power of mutual support to improve our Health habits in the first quarter, to take positive actions concerning our Habitat in the second, our Relationships in the third, and our Commerce in the fourth.
For more information, contact:
Linda Grover
tel +1-202-544-8508
  • and especially for Europe this site

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    Meeting in Paris in 1995 on the 50th Anniversary of its founding, the Member States of UNESCO looked at the future and declared that the major challenge at the close of the twentieth century is to begin the transition from a culture of war to a culture of peace. The INTERNATIONAL YEAR FOR THE CULTURE OF PEACE was therefore proclaimed by the General Assembly of the United Nations for the Year 2000, as a major milestone along the way towards this goal. Launched on 14 September 1999 (the International Day of Peace), it will also herald a United Nations Decade of Building a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the World's Children, 2001-2011. Federico Mayor, Director of UNESCO, has invited "every parent and child, teacher and student, reporter and editor, mayor and parliamentarian, every person in whatever capacity you may contribute, to join together in a global movement for a culture of peace and non-violence. Let us each resolve to make the year 2000 the first step in our commitment to this task which, I am personally convinced, is our highest calling at this moment of history."
    For more information, contact:
    See: Commitment 2000
    website: or

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    UN Millennium Assembly
    When: Autumn of 2000
    In accordance with an announcement in 1998 by Secretary-General Kofi Annan, the UN General Assembly that meets in the fall of 2000 will be a MILLENNIUM ASSEMBLY modeled on the Summit on Social Development held in Copenhagen in 1995. The UN's Year 2000 celebration will begin with an International Day of Peace on September 14, 1999, and JUBILLENIUM (see listing under international) will be working with the UN to create a highly visible program on that day as well as a huge event on December 31 around the last minute leading up to 1/1/2000 (Just A Minute of Peace). During the summer of 2000, before the General Assembly convenes, Non-Governmental Organizations are invited to participate in a millennial assembly called the MILLENNIUM NGO FORUM, for which also see the MILLENNIUM PEOPLE'S ASSEMBLY NETWORK and the UNITED NATIONS YOUTH ASSEMBLY PROJECT, and CHILDREN'S UNITED NATIONS.

    For more information, contact:

    Jonathan Granoff
    United Nations Representative
    Lawyers Alliance for World Security
    401 City Avenue, Suite 612
    Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
    tel: +1 610 668-5470
    fax: +1 610 668-5455
    Millennium NGO Forum

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    United Nations Youth Assembly Project
    In 2000, in conjunction with the special summer gathering of non-governmental organizations at the UN Millennium Forum, the UNITED NATIONS YOUTH ASSEMBLY PROJECT means to bring the voice of youth to the international arena. Over the past five years, the ONE DAY FOUNDATION, established by students at the Verde Valley School in Sedona, Arizona, in 1994, has been instrumental in making, solidifying, and expanding those connections that will enable youth from around the world to address and confer on issues of global moment with national and international leaders. From July 20-26, 1999, 40 young activists representing 30 countries gathered at the Verde Valley as part of this process, which continues with a United Youth Conference seven weeks later. Further regional meetings will take place prior to the summer 2000.
    For more information, contact:
    Benjamin Quinto
    Director, Youth Assembly Project
    Youth Development Director
    One Day Foundation
    PO Box 1052
    Sedona AZ 86339-1052
    tel +800-580-9350, + 1-520-282-0605
    fax +520-204-1216

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    United Nations University Millennium Project and Millennium Symposium
    The MILLENNIUM PROJECT is a geographically and institutionally decentralized think tank of 300 scholars, futurists and policy makers from around the world that explores and discusses global long-term issues, opportunities, and strategies. The MILLENNIUM PROJECT has been asked by the MILLENNIUM SOCIETY (see above) to create a MILLENNIUM SYMPOSIUM that would capture the story of human achievement, project the prospects for humanity, and highlight the challenges we face at the millennium. The SYMPOSIUM takes place at the dawn of the year 2000, 1-5 January, at the Great Pyramids of Giza, the Library of Alexandria, and Cairo's Mohammed Ali Mosque. Cooperating in the planning of the SYMPOSIUM are the Future Research and Study Center of Cairo University, the Smithsonian Institutions, The Futures Group, World Future Society, and UNESCO Cairo Regional Office. The main subjects for the Millennium Symposium are the 15 Global Challenges determined by the MILLENNIUM PROJECT: Among these are: How can sustainable development be achieved for all--How can population growth and resources be brought into balance--How can genuine democracy emerge from authoritarian regimes-- How can policy making be made more sensitive to global long-term perspectives--How can the increasing autonomy of woman and other groups be protected and promoted to improve the human condition--How can ethic considerations become more routinely incorporated into global decisions--Ten Millennium Project Regional Nodes (groups of individuals and institutions that interconnect local and global perspectives) correspond with each other--in Beijing, Buenos Aires, Cairo, Lismore (Australia), London, Madurai (India), Moscow, Olomouc (Czech Republic), Tehran, and Tokyo. These will participate in the MILLENNIUM SYMPOSIUM in one of several ways: 1) Some Nodes will lead a delegation from their region to the Millennium Symposium; 2) some will organize a regional symposium to be conducted in their own language January 2000 that receives simultaneous input as desired from the Millennium Symposium in Egypt; 3) the Millennium Symposium will be repeated in two-day formats organized by some Nodes as a traveling symposium adapted to each of the regional requirements.
    For more information, contact:
    Jerome Glenn
    American Council for UN University
    Millennium Project
    4421 Garrison St NW
    Washington DC 20016
    tel +202-686-5179

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    Unity Millennium

    Sean Labelle is proposing that the people of the world assist in shaping a 50' by 30' mural of seven angels who will aid in holding up the world as we enter the new millennium. He also proposes a Universal Heart of the New Millennium Museum of such artwork, stories and poems.
    For more information, contact:
    Sean Labelle
    tel +1-613-838-6045

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    Universal Millennium Symbol

    The First Baptist Church of Riverhead, New York, has designed a universal millennium symbol, representing Peace-Hope-Unity, which it hopes to use to raise money for the Immune Kids Fund, which supports immunizations for children around the world.
    For more information, contact:

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    Visions for the Millennium: A World Congress
    A proposal for a congress to merge science and spirituality.
    For more information, contact:
    Rev. James A. Hillelson, Exec. Admin.
    Sheila W. Thayer, Co-Exec Admin.
    New World Educational Foundation
    2116 Main Street, Suite 309
    Grove OK 74344
    tel +918-787-5287
    fax +918-787-6069

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    Women of the World Leadership Training
    A series of programs begun in the 1990s, first with a RUSSIAN AND UKRAINIAN WOMEN'S LEADERSHIP PROJECT, then with A NATIVE AMERICAN WOMEN'S LEADERSHIP PROJECT, and now a YOUTH UNITED INDIAN NATIONS PROGRAM for 8th-9th grade Native American girls.
    For more information, contact:
    Lynn Hinkle
    5602 SW Fairlawn
    Topeka KS 66610
    tel +785-862-6000
    fax +785-862-0537

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    World Economic Forum--Shaping Europe 2000
    SHAPING EUROPE 2000, a Central and Eastern European Economic Summit, was held in Salzburg 30 June -2 July 1999, under the patronage of President Thomas Klestil of Austria. It explored how the future of a stronger, expanded Europe could be built despite the complexities of the region's current political climate. A plenary session with the Presidents and Prime Ministers of the region was convened to look at the ten years of transition to democracy as well as the direction for the future. These officials included: President Rexhep Meidani of Albania; Viktor Klima, Federal Chancellor of Austria; President Petar Stoyanov of Bulgaria; Prime Minister Mart Laar of Estonia; President Nursultan A. Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan; Prime Minister Vilis Krishtopans of Latvia; President Aleksander Kwasniewski of Poland; President Emil Constantinescu of Romania; Prime Minister Janez Drnovsek of Slovenia; Prime Minister Mikulas Dzurinda of Slovakia; President Leonid Kuchma of Ukraine; Wolfgang Clement, Minister-President of Land Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany; Franz Fischler, Member of the European Commission, Brussels.
    For more information, contact:
    Klaus Schwab, President and Founder
    Macha Levinson, Director
    World Economic Forum
    Public Affairs office
    tel + (41 22) 869 1212 f
    ax + (41 22) 786 2744

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    World March of Women in the Year 2000
    A series of marches by women around the world will culminate in October 2000 with demonstrations in Brussels on 14 October and in front of the United Nations on 17 October. Some eight hundred women's organizations and non-governmental organizations are supporting these marches, to bring the interests, issues, needs, problems, and possibilities for women to public and international notice. The idea for the WORLD MARCH was born out of the experience of the Women's March Against Poverty in Québec, 1995, which was initiated by the Fédération des femmes du Québec and was hugely successful: three contingents of 850 women marched for ten days to win nine demands related to economic justice, and fifteen thousand people greeted them at the end of their walk. At the Beijing Conference, which proved that women everywhere are struggling for equality, development and peace, the first proposal for an international women's march was made. "The World March of Women is a stimulating global action that will mark the new millennium by demonstrating women's continuing determination to change the world!"
    For more information, contact:
    Nancy Burrows
    Internal Communications and Outreach
    World March of Women in the Year 2000

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    World Mathematical Year
    Given the number of calendrical disputes, countdowns, count-ups, chronologies, and historical reenactments around the year 2000, as well as the fierce debates over mathematical/statistical extrapolations from current trends for future planning, it is apt that 2000 should also be WORLD MATHEMATICAL YEAR, for which conferences are being planned around the world, some of them dealing with the role of mathematics in society and the need for education in mathematics in the next century. Commemorative stamps in 2000 are also being designed in Australia, Czech Republic, France, Italy, and the Netherlands.
    For more information, contact:
    For a full list of conferences, see

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    World Network of Religious Futurists
    Founded in 1998 by Rev. Richard W. Kirby, this Network encourages serious thinking about and action upon the principles of an ethical stance, theology, worship, and ritual apt for the predicaments and possibilities of the next millennium. There is a particular emphasis on outreach to, and engagement with, youth of all faiths and scientific persuasions.
    For more information, contact:
    Chairperson, Rev. Dr. Richard Kirby
    Secretary, Jay Gary,

    World Network of Religious Futurists
    4427 Thackeray Place NE Seattle, WA, 98105-6124 USA
    tel + 206-545-0547
    fax + 206-633-3561

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    World Peace Prayer Society
    Since WW II, members of the WORLD PEACE PRAYER SOCIETY have dedicated some 100,000 peace poles around the world, each carrying the message, in six languages apt to the local community, "May peace prevail on earth." For the United Religions Initiative of 72 Hours of Peace, the Society is inviting communities to rededicate their peace poles at the New Year 2000, and to renew their commitment to prayer and to peace.
    For more information, contact:
    Deborah Moldow
    fax + 212-935-1389

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    World Peace Through Reverence for Life

    Will host a Symposium 2000.
    For more information, contact:
    Thurston Moore
    304 West Due West Ave
    Madison TN 37115-4511 USA

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    World Resources Institute

    A non-profit center for policy research and technical assistance on global environmental and development issues, the WORLD RESOURCES INSTITUTE held a Global Biodiversity Forum (18-20 June 1999) and is working to achieve zero net emissions of CO2 by 2005 as part of its goal of moving human society to live in ways protective of the Earth.
    For more information, contact:
    10 G Street, Suite 800
    Washington DC 20002
    tel + 202-729-7600
    fax +202-729-7610

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    World Scout Events 2000

    The World Scouts, consisting of 25,000,000 youth in 216 countries and territories, hosted a World Youth Forum, 19-22 July 1999.
    For more information, contact:

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    World Summit of Children and Young General Assembly
    The UN issued an invitation Clause 22 of the 1990 World Summit of Children Declaration states, "Among the partnerships we seek, we turn especially to children themselves."

    Between 1990 and 1994 children at PEACEWAYS conferences all over the world discussed the possible form a partnership between the UN and the world's children could take. In 1994 children designed annual World Summit of Children Projects. Each year there are preparatory educational meetings (PrepComs) at which children (people under 18) learn about the United Nations, discuss children's issues, decide how they can bring United Nations goals to life in their communities, return home and recruit other young people for community betterment. PrepCom delegates attend an international summit at which the conclusions drawn at the PrepComs are compiled into documents and plans are made for the next partnership building steps. The children also plan a post-Summit activity through which an international delegation of children furthers United Nations goals.
    In 1995 during the UN50 celebration in San Francisco, children at the International Summit in Redwood City wrote down their partnership plan in two documents: proposals for a UN Young General Assembly and for Hear the Children Day. The Young General Assembly is a democratic body of young ambassadors sent from national children's organizations in every country in the world to advise and alert the UN General Assembly about children's affairs.

    Hear the Children Day is celebrated on the opening day of the UN General Assembly. Children worldwide interact with decision makers and media about solutions for children's issues and also join the General Assembly in their minute of silence for peace, creating a 24-hour-wave of peace in every time zone around the world This would be a day when children launch projects to help other children.

    Another partnership building plan is being developed: an NGO Committee Of and For Children. Since 1995 children have been establishing national children's organizations throughout the world to prepare for the San Francisco Charter Writing Conference and the First Young General Assembly Session. These organizations are run mainly by children for children; their purpose is to advise their governments about children's priorities so governments can focus funds efficiently. They also recruit the nation's children to do projects to alleviate priority problems, helping the government accomplish more at less cost.
    The next step, the writing of the Young General Assembly Charter, took place 18-25 July 1999 at the San Francisco Conference held at Mt. Alverno Conference Center, where children from 50 countries gathered for seven days of intensive sessions to describe the responsibilities and structure of the Young On 18-25 March 2000, the children will hold the First Young General Assembly Session, in Adelaide, Australia. In a country of the Southern Hemisphere that operates on Northern Hemisphere principles, children hopefully from 100 countries will gather to begin to responsibly take their place in international affairs. Besides the necessary Young General Assembly business, the young ambassadors will prepare recommendations to the UN General Assembly about solutions for global children's issues; prepare a document of evaluation and recommendations for the UN General Assembly Special Session to review the 1990 World Summit for Children goals; plan how children worldwide can participate in UNESCO's International Year of the Culture of Peace; and prepare statements to send with delegates to the Millennium NGO Forum. This First Young General Assembly Session is being organized by young international law student Mia Handshin and a committee of children and youth.
    For more information, contact:
    Ellen Brogren, Coordinator
    Projects 151 N. Ellsworth Avenue, Suite 6
    San Mateo, California 94401, USA

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    World Wildlife Fund

    As part of its global network of 4.7 million supporters, the WORLD WILDLIFE FUND is helping with a Millennium Forest for Scotland, in order to double the country's native woodland from two-to-four per cent of total land area, as a millennium legacy.
    For more information, contact:
    also see events by country: Scotland

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    Year 2000 Campaign: Demilitarization for Democracy

    In December 1995 Nobel Peace Prize winner Oscar Arias and friends launched a "Year 2000 Campaign to Redirect Military Spending to Human Development". The coordinating organizations of this campaign are: The Arias Foundation for Peace and Human Progress, The Council on Economic Priorities, Demilitarization for Democracy, and The Military Spending Working Group. "Under the plan, all nations would take part in regional talks that would result in substantial mutual cuts in military forces and spending. The outcome would be a world in which all countries are more secure at less cost. Our goal is for the talks to be completed and the cuts begun by the year 2000."
    For more information, contact:

    Clarissa Kayosa
    Year 2000 Campaign
    Demilitarization for Democracy
    Center for International Policy
    1755 Massachusetts Ave NW, Suite 312
    Washington, DC 20036
    tel: +1 202-232-3317

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    Youth for Environmental Sanity
    Among the projects of this activist environmental group is one to encourage youth to use the Y2K bug and the millennium as an opportunity to organize in the community.
    For more information, contact:
    YES! (Youth for Environmental Sanity)
    Ocean Robbins, President
    420 Bronco Road Soquel, CA 95073-9510
    tel: (877) 293-7226
    fax: (831) 462-6970
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    Millennium Institute and White House Millennium Council
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