Contents this part: Eurowood - Jubillenium / Millennium Meal (1999) - total Solar Eclipse 11 Aug 1999 -Sitemap
And then: the Chinese government feels threatened by the Falun Gong (according to them: sect??) and imprisoned some leaders. Certain sources said that its 60 - 80 millions practizing followers outnumber now the ideologistic communists... Will the imprisonment even strenghten the movement? China hardly prepared for the possible Y2K problems, a spiritually oriented mindset of a substantial part of leading people would turn out to be a godsend if chaos lurks. And again, a threat can strenghten, purify and unify.
A second observation: the
Kosovo crisis gave hope, despite the terrible circumstances.
Europe for one time was opening generously the borders for
refugees. During earlier disasters, mainly in Africa and Asia, not
many refugees were admitted to rich Europe.
East Timor is at this moment in the News. What steps will be
possible after the bloodshed?? As a consequence, will the next
instance be avoidable by insight before a terrible tragedy is once
again staged?
(midOctober) Are the new powers in Pakistan and India willing to co-operate and peacefully solve the conflict on e.g. Kashmir existent since their independence on 15 August 1947? (see also 15 August 1997 )
We are all one anyway, challenged to inspire each other by sharing our diversity. To kill another person is equivalent to killing ourselves. It is that simple!
the way: One of the most intriguing as well as simple concepts i
ever came across is 'the hungerproject'. It only started in
June 1999. By clicking on a button at the opening page, you
will donate food to the hungry. The food is sponsored, therefore
you do not pay anything, you only will get a thankyou from the
sponsors, and will have the opportunity to click thru their
websites. (One donation per day, per address.) The gathered food
will be distributed by the 'United Nations World Food program' for
the most needy. It would have been the ideal coalition partner for
the Jubillenium Meal...
Lake Marken, located in the middle of the Netherlands near Lelystad, will get a new destination: Eurowood. The shape of Europe fits, when rotated a few degrees to the south-east, exactly in it. A miniature Europe of about 40 square kilometres in size will come into existence. Eurowood will be a park landscape in which the wonderful variety of European nature can be found. The best of all European cultures will give emphasis to this landscape. There will be no frontiers: all who want to deliver a positive contribution to the creation of this new world, are welcome in Eurowood. The land will give a new spiritual heart to Europe. It is a most suitable location for all Europeans to work together for a better world.
Imagine, it is possible to realize Heaven on Earth; only by creating several experimental Gardens for Peace, spread over the world, where people from different cultures work together to materialize their spirituality, by creating and developing a new land. Where could these gardens be located, and what would going to happen there?
Rob Schrama, Ben Waalwijk as the initiators of Eurowood, and Guido Hoogenboom with a few others still plan to go soon to Albania to investigate for a healing place there and in Kosovo / surroundings. Especially the youth (the future of every country) should be able to express their dreams for peace and unity making use of the arts.
Project: Reunion (postponed)
In the late hours of the evening of Tuesday 15th August 2000 (Assumption Day, full moon, Indian / Pakistan liberation day, Sri Aurobindo's 128th birthday, worldwide meditations day), at the island of Pampus in Lake Marken in the Netherlands, a pyramid of light is (would have been...) seen, created by means of laser projection. With this universal light structure, we aim to bring about a meeting with the extra-terrestrials, a close encounter of the first, second or third kind. Everybody is invited to take part in this extraordinary event, on the lake, on her shores and in the air.
Ships will be around to join and add to the excitement. One ship will be the centre for a planned television-program 'Reunion'. On this ship, experts and the audience will look into the UFO-phenomenon and prepare themselves for a possible encounter. Measure instruments are used to detect any change in frequency, density, magnetic field, warmth, etc. Drummers will play, and the crew will register the event with foto- and video-cameras.
For the rest of the week, the pyramid will be seen from far, and several other happenings are planned. Watch this site for news. Negotiations with sponsors are underway, we still are in dire need of finances to make it a memorable event. (Alas postponed - see three paragraphs earlier)
The choice of Lake Marken is for a good reason. About 15 years ago, a bus drove from Amsterdam to Lelystad on the dyke. At a certain moment, the passengers saw a UFO hovering above the lake. The bus driver stopped the vehicle and everybody got out to behold the miracle. Then the UFO disappeared under water. This kind of phenomenon has also taken place along the coast of Los Angeles. In that area, many observations have been made already, whereby people witness UFOs vanishing under water. Los Angeles means: 'The Angels' - that is no coincidence. People allege, that there might be a UFO-basis, deep under L.A.
Could the same be true for Lake Marken?
There are numerous indications that pyramids have to do with extraterrestrials and probably have been founded by them. There are many pyramids in the Mexican province of Yucatan on the Gulf of Mexico. Put a transparant map of Yucatan on a map of the Netherlands and you will see a similar shoreline, with many of the Yucatan's pyramids appearing in Lake Marken and its surroundings. Could it be possible, that long ago in this area a culture with high standards and pyramids existed in a tropical paradise? Lake Marken offers sufficient conditions to recreate such a paradise.
The extra-terrestrials are concerned about how we mistreat our planet. The Earth and its atmosphere have become one big garbage dump in which humanity buries itself. We need to become the Keepers of our planet and learn to heal her: let us invest in Mother Earth in a way that we will make her healthy and joyful again.
We will start in Lake Marken, where we will establish Eurowood, a nature island with the outline of Europe. European nations will adopt this virgin island and enrich it with the best of their cultures. Eurowood will give Europe a new heart: calculated from Nova Zembla till the Azores and from Iceland till the south point of Turkey, Eurowood is located in the heart of Europe, spiritually the best site to create a new land.
Eurowood will be the first of a series of 'Gardens for Peace', spread all over our planet. Here humans will live in harmony with nature and realize a new paradise.
Rob Schrama, Ben Waalwijk, Guido Maria Hoogenboom, Ron van Cuyk,
Eurowood Foundation, Krom Boomssloot 16, NL-1011 GW Amsterdam, The Netherlands, GSM phone: +31-6-24630330, Phone/Fax: +31-20-6265554
On 6th
September 1999 i added a shopping
(sep 1999) Many
children born now are extraordinary entities (besides that every
child is a unique spiritual being anyway). Especially now, very
old souls reincarnate to experience the consciousness shift at
hand. They will surprise us in revealing ways. - My step-son and
his wife became parents of twins on 27th August. The polaroid
hereby was taken by a nightsister at six a.m., when the twins were
barely half a day old! A fine sign of hope and revelation
On 31st Dec 1999,
humanity closed the
with a Pause for
Peace. It lead to the UN-endorsed 'Day of Peace' on
January 1st 2000. The Millennium Meal initiative wants to
make sure that all six billion 'earthlings' will have food that
day. Simultaneously, a '72 hours project' began, and the
'UN International Year for a Culture of Peace', as well as
the UN 'International Decade for a Culture of Peace and
Nonviolence for the Children of the World' leading into the
Jubillenium, a thousand years of Peace.
of Peace
The Millennium Meal co-operates now with the Jubillenium initiative:
an interfaith
project based in Israel with participation of Palestina, and most
of the world religions represented as well. There seems to be a
certain financial base with sponsors like ElAl, Israel Tourist
Board, Netvision, to name a few.
Linda Grover, the
originator of the Millennium Meal sent an e-mail on 8th Dec '99
with an overview of the Millennium/Jubillenium Meal project so
Meal Project Timeline
· 1994-97 Visionary novel Tree Island written by Linda Grover. In the story, a group of friends decides to get invitations to a new millennium of unity into the hands of every person on the planet, with an appropriate gift of food if that is needed.
· 1997 Grover and a group of friends decide to turn the book into reality. Friends of Tree Island is formed. Through Internet other futurists, including former UN Assistant Secretary General Robert Muller learn about the Tree Island work. Joining with the One Day in Peace initiative, Friends of Tree Island helped to publicize a Day 1000 Countup event with a day of Windsurfing for Peace at 12 locations, from New Caledonia to the Golden Gate Bridge.
· Earth Day 1998 Prepublication edition of Tree Island is issued.
· April 1998 Hillel Schwartz, Senior Fellow at the Millennium Institute, joins forces with Grover to create a gathering of future-positive organizations.
· May 1998 Grover presents Millennium Meal Project to the "On the Road to the Millennium" convocation in Washington, DC and spoke to President Clinton about it.
· August 1998 (Day 500) representatives of fifty millennium organizations from Europe, Asia and North America assembled at the Oregon Institute of Technology for the Tree Island Millennium Gathering in order to find ways of linking their celebrations for maximum positive impact on society. Attendees included representatives from First Night International (215 cities), the Center for Millennial Studies, Boston; Milenio, Costa Rica, the Great Worldwide Forum Kazakhstan; WAM2000, Barcelona, Spain, the Millennium People's Assembly Network, - (and from Amsterdam, see Millennium Meal report on pla1.)
· January 1999 Project offices moves to Capitol Hill, as Grover becomes affiliated with national and District of Columbia Y2K community preparedness efforts.
· March 1999 At a National Cathedral Y2K forum for 300 non-profit, religious and government groups, the project receives support of many attendees, including John Koskinen, Chair of the President's Council for Year 2000 Conversion.
· May 1999
A consortium of Dutch
bakers (Bake 5) sponsors European Millennium Meal table, signed by
dignitaries. Millennium Meal (symbolized as krentebollen) served
to 3000 delegates of Hague Appeal for Peace. Annual Millennium
Meal recommended to UNESCO by the 'World Peace, Inner Peace'
Conference in Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands.
Pictures of the Millennium Meal table see below and at:
· September 14, 1999 Millennium Meal adopted as major part of global Jubillenium Project at its UN opening. Mrs. Kofi Annan lights Jubillenium Candle. The project is endorsed by Tipper Gore, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, and Congresswoman Patsy Mink.
· September 24, 1999 (Day 99) Ninety-nine students from Capitol Hill's Hine Junior High School Junior High, joined by representatives of Sister Cities International, demonstrate how precious are the days remaining to 2000.
· October 4, 1999 President Clinton writes he will check on adding Millennium Meal to his schedule.
· October 21, 1999 Mrs. Gore records Public Service Announcement endorsing Millennium Meal
· November 23, 1999 A resolution for an annual global Jubillenium Meal adopted by interfaith religious gathering in Holy Land attended by the Dalai Lama, the Chief Rabbi of Israel, delegates of the Vatican and various Christian, Islamic, African and Hindu faiths.
· Current The Millennium Meal Project is currently under consideration to become a part of the official United Nations One Day in Peace observance on January lst, 2000. Also, on the West Bank of Israel, the Millennium Meal was used as a means of effecting communication between a Palestinian and an Israeli refugee camp. Linda Grover has now the plan to bring in effect the 1st January Day with the help of women-politicians everywhere.
(Dec 1999) - We did our best to organize a special event in
Amsterdam on New Year's eve with a Millennium Meal on New Year's
afternoon. Mary the photographer connected us to Mark Rose and his
project, he provided the space in a former
garage. Lina, a 25 years old woman from Sweden / Denmark who
contacted us via e-mail via the initiative
prepared a delicious soup for the guests and friends who shared
their uniqueness to begin the new Millennium in a spirit of
co-operation, unity and understanding. As so superbly pictured in
the logo of Carol Lanfear-Montgomery here:
On September 23rd, we as the Dutch contactgroup of the Jubillenium Meal, the One Day in Peace and the Millennium Peoples Assembly Network celebrated day100 and the Autumn equinox. It was our endeavour to once again draw attention to the planned unity projects for the coming Millennium.
Robert Muller (former long-term Assistant-Secretary General of the United Nations) was the first to sign the MMeal table at the Hague Appeal for Peace mid-May 1999 (photo: Anna van der Waerden)
Despite getting e-mails and info on this total Solar eclipse for several months, i only understood these days (beginning of August) the truly unique character of it. A little bit late, but just in time. The following sites allowed me some insights:
The best Total Solar
Eclipse information i could find was via NASA. The webaddress:
The European Space Agency:
For Western Europe, Stuttgart seemed the place to be.